Heyy all!
I'm using asp.net mvc 3 and AntiXssLibrary 4.2 and I try to encode some text with single or duble quotes and the problem is that I get ' "
instead of ' or " and in Hebrew they are very useful (like רמב"ם or צ'ק). I know that there are included on the hebrew and default parameter on this method:
LowerCodeCharts.Default | LowerCodeCharts.Hebrew,
I try all the encoding methods with no expected result.
for my second problem that I try to put on my view a html string like this
return new HtmlString(Encoder.HtmlEncode(resFile));
and i get all the html format instead the rendered page, the problem was that microsoft move the GetSafeHtml()
method to the HtmlSanitizationLibrary assembly - I find it on this answer and I download it from here. Now I can use it like this
return new HtmlString(Sanitizer.GetSafeHtml(questionsAnswerString));
After that of course I added the reference
using Microsoft.Security.Application;
Now I'm stuck with those qoutes' any help?