Can we receive the voice command converted as a string in Android Wear? Or do we get the array of microphone amplitude values?


3 回答 3


You will get an extra reply string with the reply intent. Here is a nice short video explaining this.

于 2014-03-18T20:49:45.923 回答

You can also look at the ElizaChat sample which does that

于 2014-03-18T20:02:33.810 回答

The Android Wear system delivers your app on the handheld the message as a string extra in the Intent you specified to be used for the action.

This link is very useful: LINK Also, the link posted by @beworker: LINK

I am answering to my question as it might be useful for others in the near future. Because, now we are entering the era of wearable computing! :)

于 2014-12-22T12:43:21.910 回答