I am trying to create an email from an HTML file with images in the email body. These images are not hosted online and so I want the images to be embedded in the email (the original source is local).

Encoding as a base64 string has not worked, and I have tried the solution from this thread How to embed an image into an Outlook HTML email message? with no luck either.

I also only care about the image displaying in outlook.



1 回答 1


电子邮件中的图像只有 2 个选项,您在 OP 中都提到了这两个选项。

假设您想继续研究 Base64 嵌入式图像技术,这里有一些资源:

在 Campaign Monitor 链接中有一个支持图表 - 不确定 Outlook 2013 是否完全不受支持,或者它是否只是像链接托管的那样阻止图像,但无论哪种方式,它看起来都没有自动显示嵌入图像的解决方案展望 2013。

于 2014-03-18T17:16:53.620 回答