我正在尝试使用优化库 MPFIT 将高斯函数拟合到我的数据中。实际上,此代码是 MPFIT 库附带的示例代码的一部分。原始代码自动在内部以数字方式计算函数的导数,并且运行良好。MPFIT 库还允许用户提供函数衍生物。这就是问题开始的地方。这是用于计算残差和函数的一阶偏导数的函数。
int gaussfunc(int m, int n, double *p, double *dy, double **derivs, void *vars)
int i,j;
struct vars_struct *v = (struct vars_struct *) vars;
double *x, *y, *ey;
double a = p[1];
double b = p[2];
double c = p[3];
double d = p[0];
x = v->x;
y = v->y;
ey = v->ey;
for (i=0; i<m; i++)
dy[i] = (y[i] - (a*exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c))+d))/ey[i];
// the code below this point is the code I added to calculate the derivatives.
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (derivs[j])
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
double da = exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c));
double db = a * exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c)) * (x[i]-b)/(c*c);
double dc = a * exp(-(x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(2*c*c)) * (x[i]-b)*(x[i]-b)/(c*c*c);
double dd = 1;
double foo;
if (j == 0) foo = dd;
else if(j == 1) foo = da;
else if(j == 2) foo = db;
else if(j == 3) foo = dc;
derivs[j][i] = foo;
return 0;
'if (derivs)' 行上方的代码是原始代码,但经过重构,下面的代码是我用于计算导数的代码。我相信我的数学是正确的,它们已通过https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/716545/calculating-the-first-order-partial-derivatives-of-the-gaussian-function/716553验证
有没有人在将 MPFIT 与用户定义的导数一起使用时遇到同样的问题?