嗨,我使用了一些我发现的代码,我认为即使是你们也可以将外部 swf 加载到背景影片剪辑上。效果很好,除了它会剪辑一些文本并创建一些有趣的对角线和一些糟糕的图片质量。我有一种感觉,这归结为沿线某些位置的尺寸略有不同。舞台尺寸为 2560 x 1440 被缩小到任何尺寸,但正如我所提到的,我认为宽屏格式的高度和宽度并不完全同步。请帮助它在做我的头脑。

请看一下,我不是真正的 AS3 手。


// perform initial size check


// register to re-check when stage size changes
stage.addEventListener( Event.RESIZE, onResize, false, 0, true );

function onResize( e:Event ) {


// do the scaling here

function checkStageSize():void {

    var wid:Number = stage.stageWidth;

    var hi:Number = stage.stageHeight;

    var needToScaleDown:Boolean = (wid < 0); // or some other test

    if ( needToScaleDown ) {

        var scale:Number = wid/0;

        backgroundRectangle.scaleX = backgroundRectangle.scaleY = scale;

    } else {

        backgroundRectangle.scaleX = backgroundRectangle.scaleY = 1;

var portRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("main.swf");

var portLoader:Loader = new Loader();


3 回答 3


由于许多原因,使用 .SWF 打包文件并不理想,但我没有考虑过安全方面。虽然当然 - 如果它在网上,它不安全......


演示:http ://www.digital.leskiwis.com/sirwin/

下载:http ://www.digital.leskiwis.com/sirwin/sirwin.zip


  • 它利用了 Hydrotik 的 queueLoader 类。它使加载和监控变得轻而易举
  • 所有资产都在编译的 SWF 中。队列加载的一大特点是将 SWF 的帧绘制为位图数据(非常适合平滑处理)
  • 它使用调整大小事件来确保调整图像大小以进行缩放
  • swf 中的所有图像都是 720p 大小(1024 x 720),因此您可以很好地了解大图像如何缩小(在 24 - 27 英寸的屏幕上放大)


            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;      // the standard top left align, add some no scaling and throw in the event listener
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizePhoto, false, 0, true);   

调整大小功能:(我们在加载图像时存储一次 photoWidth 和 photoHeight 变量,因此我们不必检查每一帧)

        function resizePhoto(e:Event){

            var targetWidth = stage.stageWidth - buffer - photo.x       
            // this gives us the target width we want the photo. we can figure out what percent the image would need to be to make this, and use that as a scale mutiplication..

            var targetHeight = stage.stageHeight - buffer - photo.y     
            // this gives us the target height we want the photo. we can figure out what percent the image would need to be to make this, and use that as a scale mutiplication..               

            //note: add in some smart sizing on this - this means the photo resize stops when it hits a height or width limit..                             
            var wMult:Number = (targetWidth / photoWidth)   
            var hMult:Number = (targetHeight / photoHeight)

            if(wMult < hMult){
                photo.width =  photoWidth * wMult   
                photo.height = photoHeight * wMult
                photo.width =  photoWidth * hMult   
                photo.height = photoHeight * hMult

虽然其中一些远非最佳实践,但它有足够的改进供您使用 - 同时根据我在您的文件中看到的代码让您处于舒适区。如果您需要任何澄清,请大喊大叫。这是完整代码 - 您可以在此处下载所有内容:http ://www.digital.leskiwis.com/sirwin/sirwin.zip



    import flash.ui.*;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.events.*;  
    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.net.*; 
    import flash.utils.*;
    import flash.media.*

    import fl.controls.Button;

    import com.hydrotik.queueloader.QueueLoader;
    import com.hydrotik.queueloader.QueueLoaderEvent;
    import com.hydrotik.queueloader.QLManager;  

    public class Sirwin extends MovieClip { 

        var sec_PERSONAL:Array = ['Animals', 'Macro'];  // all of the topic sections... Note, the swf files need to match these names!          
        var sec_LENGTH:uint = 0;    // the length of the loaded array
        var sec_CUR:uint = 0;       // the length of the loaded array
        var bmp_ARRAY:Array = [];   // the container for the loaded section
        var buffer:uint = 10;       // buffer in pixels for button placement

        var _oLoader:QueueLoader = new QueueLoader();
        var photo:Sprite = new Sprite();        // holder for the photo to load into

        var nextBut:Button = new Button();      // attach the next button from the library
        var prevBut:Button = new Button();      // attach the prev button from the library

        var photoWidth:Number   // we store these as variables to improve performance, check once - not each time
        var photoHeight:Number  // we store these as variables to improve performance, check once - not each time

        public function Sirwin(){
            trace("initialising Document...");
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, popStageVars);   // once the movie has been added to the stage, we can set up some more vars 

        private function popStageVars(e:Event){
            trace("popping stage vars...")  
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, popStageVars);

            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;      // the standard top left align, add some no scaling and throw in the event listener
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizePhoto, false, 0, true);   

            _oLoader.addEventListener(QueueLoaderEvent.ITEM_COMPLETE, onItemComplete,false, 0, true);
            _oLoader.addEventListener(QueueLoaderEvent.ITEM_PROGRESS, onQueueProgress, false, 0, true);
            _oLoader.addEventListener(QueueLoaderEvent.QUEUE_COMPLETE, onQueueComplete,false, 0, true);                 

            photo.x = 180
            photo.y = buffer


        function resizePhoto(e:Event){

            // set photo dimensions to match stage;
            photo.width = stage.stageWidth - buffer;
            photo.height = stage.stageHeight - buffer;

            // choose the larger scale property and match the other to it;
            ( photo.scaleX < photo.scaleY ) ? photo.scaleY = photo.scaleX : photo.scaleX = photo.scaleY;


        public function setSections(){  // this function places the section buttons on the stage... not so neccesary if you make your own buttons

            for(var i:uint = 0; i < sec_PERSONAL.length; i++){  
                var but:Button = new Button();  // attach the button from the library
                but.label = sec_PERSONAL[i]     // give the button a label from the array of names
                but.x = buffer
                but.y = buffer*5 + (i * (buffer + but.height));                 
                but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadSection, false, 0, true);    // weak handler for better garbage collection

        public function setNav(){   // this function places the nav buttons on the stage... better practice would be having their own class and dispatching mouse events to be listened for. Baby steps..
            nextBut.label = "Next >"
            nextBut.x = buffer
            nextBut.y = 350
            nextBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navForward, false, 0, true);

            prevBut.label = "Previous <"
            prevBut.x = buffer
            prevBut.y = 400
            prevBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navBack, false, 0, true);

        public function loadSection(e:MouseEvent){
            bmp_ARRAY = []; // reset the array to nothing
            var swf:String = convertFolderName(e.target.label, '_') + ".swf";   
            _oLoader.addItem("assets/"+swf, null, {title:"SWF Images", drawFrames:true});

        public function loadPhoto(){
                    photo.removeChildAt(0);     // get rid of any existing photo

            var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmp_ARRAY[sec_CUR]);        // this gets the bitmap data from the array that has been loaded from the zip file
            bmp.smoothing = true;   // this should solve your smoothing issues

            photoWidth = photo.width;   // update the photos height and width for easy ref              
            photoHeight = photo.height;
            resizePhoto(null);      // pass through a null event to avoid any compiler errors

        public function convertFolderName(s:String, replacement:String):String{ // this function returns an underscore instead of a space                           
            var trimmedValue:String = s.replace(" ", replacement)
            return trimmedValue;

        public function updateCur(n:Number){                        
            sec_CUR += n;       // add a +1, or -1 to the current pointer
            displaying.text = "Displaying: " + (sec_CUR + 1) + "/" + sec_LENGTH;        // this updates the 'number of/how many' text. you need plus one to adjust for arrays starting at 0

        public function navForward(e:MouseEvent){

        public function navBack(e:MouseEvent){

        public function toggleNav():void{   //this function decides if the next or back should be shown
            trace(sec_CUR + " - " + sec_LENGTH)
            nextBut.visible = (sec_CUR >= sec_LENGTH-1) ? false : true
            prevBut.visible = (sec_CUR <= 0) ? false : true

            if(sec_CUR < 0){
                sec_CUR = 0;    

            if(sec_CUR >= sec_LENGTH-1){
                sec_CUR = sec_LENGTH-1; 

        // ----------------------------------------------------- queue loading event handlers

        public function onQueueProgress(event:QueueLoaderEvent):void {  // cheap preloading...
            trace("\t>>onQueueProgress: "+event.queuepercentage);
            displaying.text = "Loading: " + event.queuepercentage + "%";

        public function onItemComplete(event:QueueLoaderEvent):void {
            trace("\t>> "+event.type, "item title: "+event.title + " type: " + event.fileType);
            if (event.title == "SWF Images") {
                bmp_ARRAY = [];
                for (var i:int = 0; i<event.bmArray.length; i++) {
                    var bm:BitmapData = event.bmArray[i]                

        public function onQueueComplete(event:QueueLoaderEvent):void {
            trace("** "+event.type);

            sec_LENGTH = bmp_ARRAY.length
            sec_CUR = 0;


于 2010-02-17T13:42:47.777 回答


我必须反编译您的文件以查看您的所有代码到底是什么样的(在这种情况下 - http://www.sirwin.co.uk/two.swf)这个文件是 1.9 mb,对于闪存来说非常大包含一些照片的文件。更好的方法是将这些图像放在外部文件夹中,并根据需要动态加载它们。这有很多优点:

  • 易于更新 - 无需重新编译 flash 文件
  • xml 或 php 驱动(对于那些不喜欢使用 xml 的人,您甚至可以使用 php 根据目录中的文件夹结构生成结构)
  • 当您在代码/oop 部门获得更多冒险时,您甚至可以查看用于加载 zip 文件夹的 Hydrotiks 队列加载器类 - http://blog.hydrotik.com/2008/10/29/queueloader-rev-31-主要更新使用/
  • 您甚至可以使用 flickr flash api 从您的 flickr 帐户请求集合并动态加载(我喜欢这种方法,因为它允许您将 flickr 用作各种内容管理系统)

我不确定你的技能水平,所以让我们先解决技术问题。忽略您的图像太大 - 您需要确保通过库或通过某些代码打开平滑。最简单但费力的方法是双击库中的图像并选中“允许平滑”以打开。尽管有了这么大的图像,即使打开它也可能会出现一些锯齿状。

第二种方法将涉及编写脚本以在帧更改时从影片剪辑中提取位图数据,删除其内容,并将其绘制回容器中,并将平滑属性设置为 true。

至于执行此操作的代码,您用于为每个部分生成照片数组的方法会有很大差异 - 但可以在此处找到代码的核心:


但实际上,如果你沿着这条路走,你不妨走完整个 9 码。


于 2010-02-16T12:14:01.003 回答

谢谢 Beans 我将进一步研究更好的画廊方法,我想要 SWF 中的图像的主要原因是当我完成设计并更改任何问题时,我可以锁定和密码保护,因此图像被盗的可能性较小.



stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);

function resizeListener(e:Event):void {
    trace("stageWidth: " + stage.stageWidth + " stageHeight: " + stage.stageHeight);

    // do the scaling here

    var wid:Number=100/this.stage.stageWidth;
    var hi:Number=100/this.stage.stageHeight;

    this.stage.x = (100 - this.stage.width) * 0;
    this.stage.x = (100 - this.stage.height) * 0;
于 2010-02-16T22:48:55.160 回答