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<li><b>"Lorem Ipsum is a dummy text used by designers from all over the world. While writing Lorem ipsum you dont need worry grammar about and splleing mistkae. You get complete freedome of writing anything you want. I love Lorem Ipsum so much. .</li>
<li><b>"Lorem Ipsum is a dummy text used by designers from all over the world. While writing Lorem ipsum you dont need worry grammar about and splleing mistkae. You get complete freedome of writing anything you want. I love Lorem Ipsum so much. </li>
<li><b>"Lorem Ipsum is a dummy text used by designers from all over the world. While writing Lorem ipsum you dont need worry grammar about and splleing mistkae. You get complete freedome of writing anything you want. I love Lorem Ipsum so much. . </li>
<script src="js/news_ticker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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function addLast(first) {
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