我将 Cordova 3.2 用于文本到语音和语音到文本。在 iOS 7 下,AVSpeechSynthesizer 可用并且运行良好。这是插件的关键部分:
self.synthesizer = [[AVSpeechSynthesizer alloc] init];
self.synthesizer.delegate = self;
NSString * toBeSpoken=[command.arguments objectAtIndex:0];
NSNumber * rate=[command.arguments objectAtIndex:1];
NSString * voice=[command.arguments objectAtIndex:2];
NSNumber * volume=[command.arguments objectAtIndex:3];
NSNumber * pitchMult=[command.arguments objectAtIndex:4];
AVSpeechUtterance *utt =[[AVSpeechUtterance alloc] initWithString:toBeSpoken];
utt.rate= [rate floatValue]/4;// this is to slow down the speech rate
utt.volume=[volume floatValue];
utt.pitchMultiplier=[pitchMult floatValue];
utt.voice=[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice voiceWithLanguage:voice];
[self.synthesizer speakUtterance:utt];
朗读文本后会出现问题。使用 Cordova Media 调用来记录 (AVAudioRecorder) 语音到文本转换的响应会破坏合成器的输出。
在带有 iOS 7+ 的 iPad 3 上,开始录制将暂停合成器输出,直到播放录制的文件。成功录制后释放对该文件的媒体引用。
TTSPlugin 确实开始说话 TTSPlugin 将在语音字符串范围内说话。TTSPlugin 将在语音字符串范围内说话。TTSPlugin 将在语音字符串范围内说话。TTSPlugin 确实取消了说话
我解决了这个问题。罪魁祸首是 AVAudioSession,Cordova 中的媒体插件正在管理它。我之前没有做过多个音频源,所以这很糟糕。
我将这些添加到我的 TTS 插件中以管理 AVAudioSession 并根据需要激活它。现在一切都很好。
// returns whether or not audioSession is available - creates it if necessary
- (BOOL)hasAudioSession
BOOL bSession = YES;
if (!self.avSession) {
NSError* error = nil;
self.avSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
if (error) {
// is not fatal if can't get AVAudioSession , just log the error
NSLog(@"error creating audio session: %@", [[error userInfo] description]);
self.avSession = nil;
bSession = NO;
return bSession;
- (void)setAudioSession
if ([self hasAudioSession]) {
NSError* __autoreleasing err = nil;
NSNumber* playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked = 0;
BOOL bPlayAudioWhenScreenIsLocked = YES;
if (playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked != nil) {
bPlayAudioWhenScreenIsLocked = [playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked boolValue];
NSString* sessionCategory = bPlayAudioWhenScreenIsLocked ? AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback : AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient;
[self.avSession setCategory:sessionCategory error:&err];
if (![self.avSession setActive:YES error:&err]) {
// other audio with higher priority that does not allow mixing could cause this to fail
NSLog(@"Unable to play audio: %@", [err localizedFailureReason]);