迷宫是一组链接的地方。每个地方都有与其相邻的北、南、东和西地方。有两个特殊的预定义 Place 的: Place Wall 代表一堵墙——鼠标不能去那里。地方奶酪是……奶酪!地方之间的连接是对称的——如果你从任何地方开始,然后向北走,然后向南走,你就会回到原来的地方。
一只老鼠从某个地方开始四处寻找奶酪。当它找到 Cheese 时,它会返回一组方向 - 一串字母 NSEW,从它开始的位置指向 Cheese。
以下框架定义了类和函数。此处未包含的其他一些代码通过创建一堆 Place 并链接它们来生成迷宫。然后它调用 mouse(),从迷宫中传递一些起始位置:
interface Place {
// Return the adjacent Place in the given direction
public Place goNorth();
public Place goSouth();
public Place goEast();
public Place goWest();
// Returns true only for the special "Wall" place
public bool isWall();
// Returns true only for the special "Cheese" place
public bool isCheese();
class Mouse {
public Mouse() {}
// Return a string of the letters NSEW which, if used to traverse the
// the maze from startingPoint, will reach a Place where isCheese() is
// true. Return null if you can't find such a path.
public String findCheese(Place startingPoint) {
... fill this in ...
实现 findCheese()。您可以将所需的任何字段或辅助方法添加到鼠标。额外功劳:消除“无闭环”限制。也就是说,更改您的代码以使其正常工作,即使可能存在像 SSNEEW 这样的路径将鼠标引导回它开始的地方。
public String findCheese(place startingPoint)
//Call helper function in all 4 directions;
return findCheeseHelper(startingPoint,new StringBuilder("N")).append(
findCheeseHelper(startingPoint,new StringBuilder("S"))).append(
findCheeseHelper(startingPoint,new StringBuilder("E"))).append(
findCheeseHelper(startingPoint,new StringBuilder("W"))).toString();
public StringBuilder findCheeseHelper(place startingPoint, StringBuilder direction)
StringBuilder nDir=new StringBuilder("");
StringBuilder sDir=new StringBuilder("");
StringBuilder eDir=new StringBuilder("");
StringBuilder wDir=new StringBuilder("");
//Rerturn which direction this step came from if cheese found
return direction;
//Specify this is not a correct direction by returning an empty String
else if(startingPoint.isWall())
return "";
//Explore all other 3 directions (except the one this step came from)
sDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goSouth(), new StringBuilder("N"));
eDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goEast(), new StringBuilder("E"));
wDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goWest(), new StringBuilder("W"));
else if(direction=="E")
nDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goNorth(), new StringBuilder("N"));
sDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goSouth(), new StringBuilder("S"));
wDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goWest(), new StringBuilder("E"));
else if(direction=="W")
nDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goNorth(), new StringBuilder("N"));
sDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goSouth(), new StringBuilder("S"));
eDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goEast(), new StringBuilder("W"));
else if(direction=="S")
nDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goNorth(), new StringBuilder("S"));
eDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goEast(), new StringBuilder("E"));
wDir=findCheeseHelper(startPoint.goWest(), new StringBuilder("W"));
//If I hit wall in every direction, I will get empty string and so specify to calling
//function that this is not a correct direction
if(nDir.equals("") && sDir.equals("") && eDir.equals("") && wDir.equals(""))
return new StringBuilder("");
//If Cheese was found in even 1 direction, return direction to come to this step, appended with the path
// forward to the calling function
return direction.append(nDir).append(sDir).append(eDir).append(wDir);