I would like to implement the following arrangement: published app communicates via TCP/IP with app running on the local client.

The reason for doing this is I would like the published app to be able to access a piece of the local hardware that isn't available under USB redirection or other means. I have both apps built and they work well standalone on the local PC.

What will be the local app is simply a service built in .NET/WCF. What will be the published app talks to the local app via http/TCP/IP connection. The local app(service) is listening for a connection from the published app. Published app initiates communication with the local app.

Is this possible under Xenapp? And if so to the published app what is the IP address of the local host where the local app is running? When the "published" app and the local app "service" run on a physical machine(no Xenapp at all) the "published" app simply calls into http:localhost:.

Is there a concept of "localhost" representing the local machine to the published app? Or do we have to use the actual physical IP address on the network to be able to communicate between the published app and the local app?


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无法保证 TCP/IP 端口会在客户端和 XenApp 服务器之间打开,尤其是在远程访问 XenApp 服务器时。

Citrix 提供了一种称为虚拟通道的机制,该机制专为客户端和服务器之间的通信而设计,设备重定向是一种典型用法。

Citrix 虚拟通道是双向无差错连接,用于在 Citrix 主机(XenApp 或 XenDesktop)和 Citrix Receiver 联机插件之间交换通用数据包数据以进行在线交付。例如:声音、图形、客户端驱动器映射和打印只是 Citrix 编写的几个虚拟通道。Citrix 虚拟通道软件开发工具包 (VCSDK) 允许软件工程师编写主机端应用程序和接收器端驱动程序,以支持使用 Citrix ICA 协议的其他虚拟通道。主机端虚拟通道应用程序在 XenApp 或 XenDesktop 上运行,虚拟通道的客户端部分在 Citrix Receiver 所在的本地设备上运行。此 SDK 支持为 Citrix Receiver 的在线插件的 Win32 和 Windows CE 版本编写新的虚拟通道。有关支持的客户端版本的详细信息,请参阅随附的文档。

于 2014-03-18T12:47:29.307 回答