I am looking at the pin-out here: http://www.ti.com/lit/ml/slau536/slau536.pdf and can't find p1.0 and p1.1. Where are they?
The reason (perhaps, stupid) why I started looking for these two pins is because I need to connect RX and TX of a UART somewhere on the launchpad, and p3.3 and p3.4 did not work, and on some loosely related pinouts of other boards such as this: http://energia.nu/Tutorial_DigitalReadSerial.html p1.1 is RXD and p1.2 is TXD (not sure what's the difference between RX and RXD, assuming for now they are the same). So I thought maybe I try these pins and try my luck there? And now I can't find them.
BTW, the pinout shows that p3.3 and p3.4 are UART RX and TX on BoosterPack standard, which I don't have, and on the launchpad these pins are UCA0RXD and UCA0TXT (also, they are apparently UCA0SOMI and UCA0SIMO). I don't know yet what these abbreviations mean, and also, why there are two sets of functions on the same pins and how to switch between them.
My launchpad (in subj) documentation says it supports up to 4 hardware UARTs. Where? And why then is there a UART on booster pack?
Maybe p1.1 and p1.2 are taken for the launchpad's onboard backchannel UART?