我正在尝试将两个 Play 框架枚举器组合在一起,但合并具有相同键值的值。在大多数情况下,它可以工作,除了用于保留以前没有匹配的值的 Map 每次找到匹配并返回 Done Iteratee 时都会丢失。
理想情况下,一旦匹配成功,它将发送匹配的值。到目前为止,我所做的(几乎基于创建基于时间的分块 Enumeratee)
def virtualSystemGrouping[E](system:ParentSystem): Iteratee[Detail, Detail] = {
def step(state: Map[String, Detail])(input:Input[Detail]): Iteratee[Detail, Detail] = {
input match {
case Input.EOF => {Done(null, Input.EOF)}
case Input.Empty =>{Cont[Detail, Detail](i => step(state)(i))}
case Input.El(e) => {
if (!system.isVirtual) Done(e)
if (state.exists((k) =>{k._1.equals(e.name)})) {
val other = state(e.name)
// ??? should have a; state - e.name
// And pass new state and merged value out.
Done(e + other)
} else {
Cont[Detail, Detail](i => step(state + (e.name -> e))(i))
val systems:List[ParentSystem] = getSystems()
val start = Enumerator.empty[Detail]
val send = systems.foldLeft(start){(b,p) =>
b interleave Concurrent.unicast[Detail]{channel =>
implicit val timeout = Timeout (1 seconds)
val actor = SystemsActor.lookupActor(p.name + "/details")
actor map {
case Some(a) => {a ! SendDetailInformation(channel)}
case None => {channel.eofAndEnd}
} recover {
case t:Throwable => {channel.eofAndEnd}
} &> Enumeratee.grouped(virtualSystemGrouping(parent)) |>> Iteratee.foreach(e => {output.push(e)})
send.onComplete(t => output.eofAndEnd)