1- AFAIK, there is no problem running bluepill (or some other process monitor like supervisor or monit) in a docker container. I often used this kind of tool to run more than one service in a container.
2- For load balancing containers, you can either use a load balancer that you can configure dynamically (for http balancing, hipache is a good candidate) or have some scripts that dynamically update configuration of a standard load balancer and reloads it (I did it many times with nginx, it should work with other solutions)
3- There are some tools in the docker ecosystem for service discovery. You can have a look at Serf (http://www.serfdom.io/) and etcd (https://github.com/coreos/etcd). For the deploy part, I would recommend you to use the ONBUILD instruction in Dockerfile to inject application code and create immutable containers.