虽然您不需要框架,但测试框架仍应使用 Mock 对象,然后您应该让代码相应地处理函数。例如,您的库需要对 404 错误做一些事情。不要测试 HTML 错误代码是否为 404,而是测试您的库是否正确运行。
class YourHTTPClass
private $HttpResponseCode;
public function getPage($URL, $Method)
// Do some code to get the page, set the error etc.
public function getHttpResponseCode()
return $this->HttpResponseCode;
class YourHTTPClass_Test extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testHTMLError404()
// Create a stub for the YourHTTPClass.
$stub = $this->getMock('YourHTTPClass');
// Configure the stub.
// Calling $stub->getHttpResponseCode() will now return 404
$this->assertEquals(404, $stub->getHttpResponseCode('http://Bad_Url.com', 'GET'));
// Actual URL does not matter as external call will not be done with the mock
public function testHTMLError505()
// Create a stub for the YourHTTPClass.
$stub = $this->getMock('YourHTTPClass');
// Configure the stub.
// Calling $stub->getHttpResponseCode() will now return 505
$this->assertEquals(505, $stub->getHttpResponseCode('http://Bad_Url.com',
您将知道您的代码将能够处理任何错误,而无需转到外部 Web 服务来验证错误。
要测试获取数据的代码,您将执行类似的操作,实际模拟 GET 函数以返回已知信息,这样您就可以测试获取结果的代码。