我已经从 frame-c 网站http://frama-c.com/download.html安装了硼版的 windows 安装程序
当我尝试运行 val 插件时,我收到关于未设置预处理器变量 CPP 的错误,如下所示:
C:\Frama-C\bin>frama-c.exe -val filename.cpp
[kernel] user error: failed to run: gcc -C -E -I. -o "C:\Users\akandoor\AppData\Local\Temp\filename.cpp4f5d23.i" "filename.cpp"
you may set the CPP environment variable to select the proper preprocessor command or use the option "-cpp-command".
[kernel] user error: skipping file "filename.cpp" that has errors.
[kernel] Frama-C aborted because of an invalid user input.
使用 -cpp-command 我收到以下错误:
C:\Frama-C\bin>frama-c.exe -cpp-command 'C:\utils\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe -C -E -I. -
x c' filename.cpp
[kernel] user error: option `-C' is unknown.
use `frama-c.exe -help' for more information.
[kernel] Frama-C aborted because of an invalid user input.