我正在做一个项目,我需要为 Max/Msp (mxj~) 开发一个 Java 类,该类实现立体声乒乓延迟,我对 Java 很陌生。新对象的用户应该能够通过对象的入口更改左右声道的延迟参数(时间和反馈)。我有代码的基本“骨架”,但我在需要让用户调整延迟参数以及如何编码乒乓延迟的主要部分方面苦苦挣扎。我感谢任何形式的帮助!干杯:)
public class CW1 extends MSPPerformer {
float[] _circBuffer = new float[44100]; // Maximum delay of 1 second at 44.1 SR
int _delayTime = 22050; // Delay of half a second
int _readIndex1 = 0;
int _readIndex2 = 11025;
int _writeIndex = _delayTime;
float _feedback = 0.5f;
// Constructor
declareOutlets(new int[]{SIGNAL,SIGNAL});
setInletAssist(new String[] { "Signal1",
"Signal2", "Left Delay", "Left Feedback", "Right Delay", "Right Feedback" });
setOutletAssist(new String[] { "Left",
// Audio processing method
public void perform(MSPSignal[] ins, MSPSignal[] outs){
float[] in1 = ins[0].vec; // Assign the array to a local method variable array
float[] in2 = ins[1].vec;
float[] in3 = ins[2].vec;
float[] in4 = ins[3].vec;
float[] in5 = ins[4].vec;
float[] in6 = ins[5].vec;
float[] out1 = outs[0].vec;// Do the same with the output array
float[] out2 = outs[1].vec;
/*Scanner myData = new Scanner(System.in)
double x = myData.nextDouble();*/
for(int i = 0; i < in1.length; i++) // Loops through each sample
// Read the sample out of the buffer
float temp = _circBuffer[_readIndex1++];
// Write the input sample into the buffer along with the sample we've just read out.
// Note we are only feeding back only one delay tap here
_circBuffer[_writeIndex++] = in1[i] + (temp * _feedback);
// Copy the delayed samples to the output buffer
out1[i] = temp + _circBuffer[_readIndex2++];
// Reset the array index values when the end of the buffer is reached (IMPORTANT)
if(_readIndex1 > _delayTime)
_readIndex1 = 0;
if(_readIndex2 > _delayTime)
_readIndex2 = 0;
if(_writeIndex > _delayTime)
_writeIndex = 0;