I have several open-source projects that use Travis-CI to check the build status on my commits. I also report my test coverage to Coveralls.io. In the past few weeks, the reliability of coveralls has been spotty at best, and I had my tests running the coverage stuff, but they would fail the build because the coveralls api was returning a 503 error.

In response to this, I moved my coverage stuff to an after_success script in my .travis.yml, but now it seems that it's not sending the info to Coveralls.io. Am I approaching this the wrong way? Has anyone else run into this issue?

Here are some more details on the projects I'm running into issues with:

  • all of them are node modules
  • all of them are tested using mocha
  • all of them have test coverage using istanbul
  • I am using the node-coveralls module to report coverage reports to coveralls.io

If more information is needed, please let me know.


Now it seems to be reporting correctly to coveralls, but it's only reporting 50%. Any additional help would be much appreciated


1 回答 1


我在我的 yml 文件中使用以下内容。它从 karma 和 mocha 中连接 lcov,然后将它们发送出去。

- ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start
- istanbul cover ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha server/api/**/*.spec.js
- cat ./coverage/lcov.info ./coverage/karma/**/*.info > lcov.info 
- node node_modules/lcov-filter/index.js lcov.info config | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js && rm -rf ./coverage
于 2014-09-18T02:12:07.827 回答