我尝试在 ajax 调用后更改 ng-options 的选定索引,但它不会改变。
//Html Section...
<select id="fooId" ng-model ="foo.formula"
ng-options="formulas as name for (formulas, name) in the_formula"></select>
//End Html Section...
//js file...
//get list of formula from server...
$scope.the_formula = response.the_formula;
//do something awesome, then..
//binding data from server...
//binding the data to view...
//all of the element is binding, except the ng-options part..
$scope.foo = response;
//not working..
//$scope.formula = response.formulaId //it is return integer ID like (1, 2, 3, etc..)
// End js file...
这是我的 API 发送的数据。
怎么了?如何自动更改 ng-options 中的选择?