我使用 Google Apps、电子表格和协作平台是因为它们是免费的,并且可以满足我的大部分需求。这是症结所在。我可以创建一个可以从 Google 工作表完美自动完成的 HTMLService。 我基本上完全按照这篇文章。
我可以创建一个脚本,它是一个用于提交到工作表的 UiApp。我只是不能在一个项目中同时做到这两点。代码如下:
function doGet() {
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID);
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('Periodical Intake');
// Create a grid with 3 text boxes and corresponding labels
var grid = app.createGrid(3, 2);
grid.setWidget(0, 0, app.createLabel('Title:'));
// Text entered in the text box is passed in to pTitle
// The setName method will make those widgets available by
// the given name to the server handlers later
grid.setWidget(0, 1, app.createTextBox().setName('pTitle').setId('pTitle'));
grid.setWidget(1, 0, app.createLabel('Date:'));
grid.setWidget(1, 1, app.createDateBox().setName('date').setId('date'));
// Text entered in the text box is passed in to city.
// Create a vertical panel..
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel();
// ...and add the grid to the panel
// Here's where this script diverges from the previous script.
// We create a horizontal panel called buttonPanel to hold two buttons, one for submitting the contents of the form
// to the Spreadsheet, the other to close the form.
var buttonPanel = app.createHorizontalPanel();
// Two buttons get added to buttonPanel: button (for submits) and closeButton (for closing the form)
// For the submit button we create a server click handler submitHandler and pass submitHandler to the button as a click handler.
// the function submit gets called when the submit button is clicked.
var button = app.createButton('submit');
var submitHandler = app.createServerClickHandler('submit');
// For the close button, we create a server click handler closeHandler and pass closeHandler to the close button as a click handler.
// The function close is called when the close button is clicked.
var closeButton = app.createButton('close');
var closeHandler = app.createServerClickHandler('close');
// Create label called statusLabel and make it invisible; add buttonPanel and statusLabel to the main display panel.
var statusLabel = app.createLabel().setId('status').setVisible(false);
return app;
// Close everything return when the close button is clicked
function close() {
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
// The following line is REQUIRED for the widget to actually close.
return app;
// function called when submit button is clicked
function submit(e) {
// Write the data in the text boxes back to the Spreadsheet
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID);
var lastRow = doc.getLastRow();
var cell = doc.getRange('a1').offset(lastRow, 0);
cell.offset(0, 1).setValue(e.parameter.pTitle);
cell.offset(1, 2).setValue(e.parameter.date);
// Clear the values from the text boxes so that new values can be entered
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
// Make the status line visible and tell the user the possible actions
app.getElementById('status').setVisible(true).setText('The periodical ' + e.parameter.pTitle + ' was entered.' +
'To add another, type in the information and click submit. To exit, click close.');
return app;
如果可以在 UiApp 中使用 jQuery(我不认为是),我可以使用我的 getAvailableTags 函数。另一个建议是使用SuggestBox,但似乎已被弃用。我无计可施。已经两个星期了,我觉得我还没有到任何地方。任何人都可以帮助图书馆员吗?