function suSetHtmlElementById( &$oDoc, &$s, $sId, $sHtml, $bAppend = false, $bInsert = false, $bAddToOuter = false )
if( suIsValidString( $s ) && suIsValidString( $sId ))
$bCreate = true;
if( is_object( $oDoc ))
if( !( $oDoc instanceof DOMDocument ))
{ return false; }
$bCreate = false;
if( $bCreate )
{ $oDoc = new DOMDocument(); }
$oNode = $oDoc->getElementById( $sId );
if( is_object( $oNode ))
$bReplaceOuter = ( !$bAppend && !$bInsert );
$sId = uniqid('SHEBI-');
$aId = array( "<!-- $sId -->", "<!--$sId-->" );
if( $bReplaceOuter )
if( suIsValidString( $sHtml ) )
$oNode->parentNode->replaceChild( $oDoc->createComment( $sId ), $oNode );
$s = $oDoc->saveHtml();
$s = str_replace( $aId, $sHtml, $oDoc->saveHtml());
else { $oNode->parentNode->removeChild( $oNode );
$s = $oDoc->saveHtml();
return true;
$bReplaceInner = ( $bAppend && $bInsert );
$sThis = null;
if( !$bReplaceInner )
$sThis = $oDoc->saveHTML( $oNode );
$sThis = ($bInsert?$sHtml:'').($bAddToOuter?$sThis:(substr($sThis,strpos($sThis,'>')+1,-(strlen($oNode->nodeName)+3)))).($bAppend?$sHtml:'');
if( !$bReplaceInner && $bAddToOuter )
$oNode->parentNode->replaceChild( $oDoc->createComment( $sId ), $oNode );
$sId = &$aId;
else { $oNode->nodeValue = $sId; }
$s = str_replace( $sId, $bReplaceInner?$sHtml:$sThis, $oDoc->saveHtml());
return true;
return false;
// A function of my library used in the function above:
function suIsValidString( &$s, &$iLen = null, $minLen = null, $maxLen = null )
if( !is_string( $s ) || !isset( $s{0} ))
{ return false; }
if( $iLen !== null )
{ $iLen = strlen( $s ); }
return (( $minLen===null?true:($minLen > 0 && isset( $s{$minLen-1} ))) &&
$maxLen===null?true:($maxLen >= $minLen && !isset( $s{$maxLen})));
function suAppendHtmlById( &$s, $sId, $sHtml, &$oDoc = null )
{ return suSetHtmlElementById( $oDoc, $s, $sId, $sHtml, true, false ); }
function suInsertHtmlById( &$s, $sId, $sHtml, &$oDoc = null )
{ return suSetHtmlElementById( $oDoc, $s, $sId, $sHtml, false, true ); }
function suAddHtmlBeforeById( &$s, $sId, $sHtml, &$oDoc = null )
{ return suSetHtmlElementById( $oDoc, $s, $sId, $sHtml, false, true, true ); }
function suAddHtmlAfterById( &$s, $sId, $sHtml, &$oDoc = null )
{ return suSetHtmlElementById( $oDoc, $s, $sId, $sHtml, true, false, true ); }
function suSetHtmlById( &$s, $sId, $sHtml, &$oDoc = null )
{ return suSetHtmlElementById( $oDoc, $s, $sId, $sHtml, true, true ); }
function suReplaceHtmlElementById( &$s, $sId, $sHtml, &$oDoc = null )
{ return suSetHtmlElementById( $oDoc, $s, $sId, $sHtml, false, false ); }
function suRemoveHtmlElementById( &$s, $sId, &$oDoc = null )
{ return suSetHtmlElementById( $oDoc, $s, $sId, null, false, false ); }
包含一些新的 html。该变量$sMyHtml
包含一个名为/ id 为“ example_id
// Example 1: Append new content to the innerHTML of an element (bottom of element):
if( suAppendHtmlById( $sMyHtml, 'example_id', $sMyNewContent ))
{ echo $sMyHtml; }
else { echo 'Element not found?'; }
// Example 2: Insert new content to the innerHTML of an element (top of element):
suInsertHtmlById( $sMyHtml, 'example_id', $sMyNewContent );
// Example 3: Add new content ABOVE element:
suAddHtmlBeforeById( $sMyHtml, 'example_id', $sMyNewContent );
// Example 3: Add new content BELOW/NEXT TO element:
suAddHtmlAfterById( $sMyHtml, 'example_id', $sMyNewContent );
// Example 4: SET new innerHTML content of element:
suSetHtmlById( $sMyHtml, 'example_id', $sMyNewContent );
// Example 5: Replace entire element with new content:
suReplaceHtmlElementById( $sMyHtml, 'example_id', $sMyNewContent );
// Example 6: Remove entire element:
suSetHtmlElementById( $sMyHtml, 'example_id' );