I am developing a Magento website using Vagrant and Puppet to manage my dev environment.
I am using the Magento Boilerplate theme (https://github.com/webcomm/magento-boilerplate) as a base, which uses Gulp.js to run automatic compilation of LESS and JS files.
I am running gulp from the host machine as this has the full suite of node, npm, etc installed, but I get the following error:
throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
[gulp] Error in plugin 'gulp-notify': No reporter specified.
The host machine is Ubuntu 12.04 and the Guest is CentOS. The host has the required notify-send package installed and the guest has libnotify, but gulp does not seem to recognise either.
I am new to gulp having used Grunt in the past, so may be missing something here.