我正在研究一个 Ocsigen 示例(http://ocsigen.org/tuto/manual/macaque)。
File "testDB.ml", line 15, characters 14-81 (end at line 18, character 4):
While finding quotation "table" in a position of "expr":
Available quotation expanders are:
svglist (in a position of expr)
svg (in a position of expr)
html5list (in a position of expr)
html5 (in a position of expr)
xhtmllist (in a position of expr)
xhtml (in a position of expr)
Camlp4: Uncaught exception: Not_found
module Lwt_thread = struct
include Lwt
include Lwt_chan
module Lwt_PGOCaml = PGOCaml_generic.Make(Lwt_thread)
module Lwt_Query = Query.Make_with_Db(Lwt_thread)(Lwt_PGOCaml)
let get_db : unit -> unit Lwt_PGOCaml.t Lwt.t =
let db_handler = ref None in
fun () ->
match !db_handler with
| Some h -> Lwt.return h
| None -> Lwt_PGOCaml.connect ~database:"testbase" ()
let table = <:table< users (
login text NOT NULL,
password text NOT NULL
) >>
我使用 eliom-destillery 生成基本文件。我使用“make”来编译程序。