I am writing a small UDP Client/Server in Perl and am having some issues sending files. I understand I need to break the file into chunks (datagrams) and send them to the server.
I am stuck figuring out how to break the file up into datagrams and send them. As of now, I can establish a UDP connection just fine, the server reports when it is received a UDP packet. This is what I have so far, any help would be greatly appreciated!
# Flushing to STDOUT after each write
$| = 1;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
# Server side information
my $listen_port = 7070;
my $protocal = 'udp';
my $received_data = undef;
# Creating UDP socket for server
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new (
LocalPort => $listen_port,
Proto => $protocal,
) or die "Socket could not be created, failed with error $!\n";
print "Waiting for client connection on port $listen_port\n";
open(FILE, ">output.UDP")
or die "File can not be opened: $!";
while($server->recv($received_data, 1024)) {
my $peer_address = $server->peerhost();
my $peer_port = $server->peerport();
print "Message was received from: $peer_address, $peer_port\n";
print FILE "$received_data";
close FILE;
print "Closing socket...\n";
# Flushing to STDOUT after each write
$| = 1;
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
# Client side information
my $host = '';
my $port = 7070;
my $protocal = 'udp';
my $datagram = undef;
# Creating UDP socket for client
my $client = IO::Socket::INET->new (
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => $protocal,
) or die "Socket could not be created, failed with error: $!\n";
# Open and specified file
open(FILE, "10MBfile.dat")
or die "Fine can not be opened: $!";
# Send file line by line
while (<FILE>) {
$datagram = $_;
close FILE;
# sleep(10);