是否已经有标准或可靠的方法可供 javascript 框架(如 jquery)将样式表解析为对象?


  1. 我见过几个问题,有人想知道如何获取样式表为选择器设置的样式属性,而不是选择器最终继承的内容。

  2. 如果Sizzle完成了它应该做的事情,这可能是确保样式表在跨浏览器中正确呈现的解决方案。基本上让 jquery 解析样式表并手动设置所有属性(可能基于浏览器或已知的未实现的选择器。)这样设计人员/开发人员只需编写一个向前兼容的 CSS3 样式表并让 jquery/sizzle 完成浏览器赢得的工作不。

我看到的唯一缺点是这仍然不会实现 CSS3 属性,但这是一个开始。


2 回答 2



假设您有一个以开头的 HTML 页面

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
    <link href="/styles/global.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/> 
    <link href="/styles/catalog.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/> 
    <link href="/styles/banner.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/> 


#page { background-color: #fff; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; text-align: left; width: 100%; margin-top: 20px; padding: 0px; min-width: 900px; border: none; }
#header { background-color: transparent; }
#main { background-color: transparent; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; padding: 8px 0px 8px 0px;}
#sidebar { margin-right: 12px; }

然后,为了找到为background-colorof设置的内容#page,您需要编写document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[0].style.backgroundColor,它将返回#fff(或者rgb(255, 255, 255)在某些浏览器上,我认为)。


document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[3].cssText //"#sidebar { margin-right: 12px; }"
document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[2].selectorText //"#main"

如果您有一个更复杂的选择器,例如#main div.header a, #main div.header a:visited,则选择器文本属性会返回整个内容,而不仅仅是第一位。

Your specific question is "How can I find out what is set in the stylesheet for a given selector". Here's one way to approximate it:

function findProperty(selector) {
   rules = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules
   for(i in rules) {
      if(rules[i].selectorText==selector) return rules[i].cssText;
   return false;

findProperty('#sidebar'); //returns "#sidebar { margin-right: 12px; }"

The thing is that the CSS tree you have access to in this way has already been parsed by the browser (hence the 'approximate' above). If you're in Firefox, you won't see any -webkit styles because mozilla just drops them. Various browsers also tend to have their own way of displaying colors (as above; if your actual .css file has a given color set to #fff, and you check it in JavaScript after it's parsed, you might get back #fff, #ffffff or rgb(255, 255, 255)).

The above will tell you what your browser sees that CSS sheet as; if you want to know what specific ascii characters were contained in the initial .css file, the only reliable way is to look at the file itself, AFAIK.

A reference for the stylesheet object is available here.

于 2010-03-07T03:53:42.093 回答

有趣的问题。Daniel Wachsstock 的网站上有一个 jquery 解析器。http://bililite.com/blog/2009/01/16/jquery-css-parser/


在 jQuery 中你调用$(selector).parsecss(callback)

它扫描 $(selector) 或其后代中的所有元素,解析每个元素并将一个对象(详细信息如下)传递给回调函数。

例如创建一个 CSS 文件:

.gallery a {
  -jquery-lightbox: {overlayBgColor: '#ddd'}


$('.gallery a').lightbox({overlayBgColor: '#ddd'});
于 2010-02-10T16:19:25.483 回答