我们正在使用 Leap Motion 控制器开发一个 JavaScript 项目。代码今天早上运行良好,但六个小时后,它现在功能失调、不稳定且没有响应。我们放入警报以查看它何时停止运行,并在到达 Leap.loop 时停止运行;我们认为问题出在某个地方正在变得超负荷,但我们对编程的了解还不够,无法真正掌握问题所在。我们已经在不同的硬件(不同的服务器和不同的本地驱动器)上进行了尝试,我们得到的唯一响应是“某些网页没有响应。杀死还是忽略?” 弹出。

<title>THIS SUCKS</title>
html, body {
  width: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  background: #024;
  color: #fff;
#wrap {
  width: 600px;
  margin: 0 auto;
.half {
  width: 50%;
  margin-top: 100px;
  float: left;
div {
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 60px;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
#fingers {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 200px;
<script src="//js.leapmotion.com/0.2.0-beta1/leap.min.js"></script>
  <div id="gestureData"></div>
// Store frame for motion functions
var previousFrame = null;

// Setup Leap loop with frame callback function
var controllerOptions = {enableGestures: true};

var url = "";

try {
     request = new XMLHttpRequest();
   } catch (trymicrosoft) {
     try {
       request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
     } catch (othermicrosoft) {
       try {
         request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
       } catch (failed) {
         request = false;

Leap.loop(controllerOptions, function(frame) {

  // Display Gesture object data
  var gestureOutput = document.getElementById("gestureData");
  var gestureString = "";
  if (frame.gestures.length > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < frame.gestures.length; i++) {
      var gesture = frame.gestures[i];

      switch (gesture.type) {
        case "circle":
              gestureString += "<br>ID: " + gesture.id + "<br>type: " + gesture.type + ", "
                        + "<br>center: " + vectorToString(gesture.center) + " mm, "
                        + "<br>normal: " + vectorToString(gesture.normal, 2) + ", "
                        + "<br>radius: " + gesture.radius.toFixed(1) + " mm, "
                        + "<br>progress: " + gesture.progress.toFixed(2) + " rotations"
                        + "<br>";

              url = "";

        case "swipe":
          //Classify swipe as either horizontal or vertical
          var isHorizontal = Math.abs(gesture.direction[0]) > Math.abs(gesture.direction[1]);
          //Classify as right-left or up-down
            if (Math.abs(gesture.direction[0]) > Math.abs(gesture.direction[2])){
              if(gesture.direction[0] > 0){
                  swipeDirection = "Right";
              } else {
                  swipeDirection = "Left";
            } else {
              if(Math.abs(gesture.direction[2].toFixed(2)) > 0.5){
                    swipeDirection = "Play";
          } else { //vertical
            if (Math.abs(gesture.direction[1]) > Math.abs(gesture.direction[2])){
              if(gesture.direction[1] > 0){
                  swipeDirection = "Up";
              } else {
                  swipeDirection = "Down";
            } else {
              if(Math.abs(gesture.direction[2].toFixed(2)) > 0.5){
                    swipeDirection = "Play";

          url = "" + swipeDirection;

          gestureString += "<br>ID: " + gesture.id + "<br>type: " + gesture.type + ", "
                        + "<br>direction " + swipeDirection
                        + "<br>url " + url
                        + "<br>gesture.direction vector: " + vectorToString(gesture.direction, 2) + ", "
                        + "<br>";
  gestureOutput.innerHTML = gestureString + gestureOutput.innerHTML;


var notStarted = true;

function vectorToString(vector, digits) {
  if (typeof digits === "undefined") {
    digits = 1;
  return "(" + vector[0].toFixed(digits) + ", "
             + vector[1].toFixed(digits) + ", "
             + vector[2].toFixed(digits) + ")";

function PlayShow () {
  var xhReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
  //The "false" puts XMLHttpRequest in synchronous mode, and the code following will wait for a response before executing.
   xhReq.open("GET", url, false); //(If these are really on the same domain, you might need to make this a relative call rather than an absolute one for it to work, not sure)
  //put the response into reqResult
   var reqResult = xhReq.responseText;

  //check that the call was successful
  if (reqResult=="<Status>Success</Status>") {  //may want to change to a "contains" compare rather than an "equals"
  showRunning = true;
  else {
  showRunning = false;
  // result is now in reqResult
  if (showRunning){
  showText.innerHTML="Running Show";
  } else
  showText.innerHTML="Error! Try Again?";

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