
a) 设计/绘制架构上下文图
b) ACD 描述
c) UML 部署图

UML 部署图没有问题,因为在线上有大量直接的资源,但 ACD 并非如此。

我需要有关 ACD 是什么以及如何绘制 ACD 的资源。

ACD 是否还有其他名称,例如体系结构上下文图,例如体系结构互连图或操作系统图?我在谷歌搜索中不断遇到相似的名字但不同的图表......


4 回答 4


我想你已经尝试过维基百科,但是我发现了这个:http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_context_diagram


有问题的图表是基于 UML 的图表吗?

由于您表示它是 UML 图,我只能建议您查看 OMG 的网站。您应该能够在不注册的情况下获得 UML 标准文档的副本。对不起,我没有更直接的答案给你。我只听说过系统上下文图。虽然我搜索了诸如架构上下文图之类的东西,但系统一是我找到的最接近的。

于 2010-02-08T17:05:43.667 回答

The teacher eventually showed us a diagram she drew up. I figure this diagram doesn't exist except in her class!

于 2010-10-30T21:29:03.713 回答




我在这里阅读了有关此主题的更多讨论:http: //softwarearchitecturezen.blogspot.com/2009/08/two-diagrams-all-architects-need.html

于 2010-02-09T15:54:30.193 回答

Architectural Context Diagram is a graphic representation of your system and of the external components that interact with the system. This components are linked to the system via interfaces, ilustred by a rectangle above your system, like in this image: tinyurl.com/jabyt3q

There are 4 elements in ACD:

  1. Superiors Systems - systems wich uses the main system for realize your functions
  2. Subordinated Systems - system wich are used by main system for it realize your functions
  3. Peers - systems (components) in the same level of the main system
  4. Actors - external entities wich uses the main system produzing and consuming data

Sorry if i don't explain in a didadic way, but my english is not good and i don't want use the Google Tradutor, so, i hope had be clear in my words. :P

For more information i recommend you read Pressman's book of Software Engeneering. In the 8 or 9 chapter he explain this very well. Pressman is the law! :)

于 2016-06-16T19:29:38.257 回答