我有一个网站,我要发送一封群发电子邮件,所有测试过程都在正常工作,但唯一的问题是,它到达了 gmail 上的促销选项卡,而不是到达主选项卡。

我搜索了一天,很多解决方案是,Meed 将该电子邮件从促销选项卡移动到主选项卡。这根本不可能。我要为一百万新用户爆破它。这只是一次电子邮件,而不是让他们标记它的常规系统。

我检查了我的收件箱,许多促销活动正在接收我的主选项卡,唯一不同的是,它在信息选项卡中显示邮件列表,例如“邮件列表:mohan.support.domain.com 过滤来自该邮件列表的消息”。



1 回答 1


There is no way to appear in the primary inbox unless the user moves you themselves.

I'm not sure the algorithm that Google uses to classify promos vs personal mail. Maybe it recognizes multiple Gmail users getting the same message, maybe it is the email address being recognized as a company or bulk sending address. However it is, it is similar to loading images in many clients. The recipient needs to enable your images to load by default by adding you as a safe sender. Similar concept, they need to set you to their primary box for you to gain that privilege.

于 2014-03-06T15:36:24.630 回答