我们刚刚升级到 SQL Server 2012 和 SSIS 2012,习惯了 2008 的颜色是一个巨大的飞跃,几乎看不到 SSIS 包中的某些内容何时被禁用。我知道您可以将颜色主题更改为深色或蓝色,但它仍然没有多大帮助。

知道如何修改颜色以使其看起来更像 2008 年吗?


2 回答 2


I myself am looking, so far I discovered that they did take this into account in VS 2013. See this. However, VS 2013 seems only to support SQL Server 2014 tools, so we have not been able to upgrade.

There seems to be a Color Theme Editor tool for Visual Studio 2012, but finding what they called task boxes, for example, if I want to fix the tasks so that when you disable them you can actually tell, well, this seems near to impossible! I wish someone would create a custom scheme and share it so we could all use it

于 2014-09-22T22:06:40.610 回答

2012 Data 工具的外观与 2008 Visual Studio/BIDS 不同。由于这些是不同的产品(最新的是数据工具,最旧的是 BIDS/Visual Studio),我们不能像以前的版本一样更改主题:)

于 2014-03-06T13:12:20.297 回答