使用以下代码,我收到错误“无效接口 LAN:指定”。此代码在 Win7 中有效,但在 Windows XP 中无效。我怀疑它与“!adapterName!”有关。XP 内部冲突。

我利用这个脚本来获取 NIC 名称,以防它在未来发生一些变化并且希望保留这个方案。有什么想法可以在 XP 环境中继续使用这样的脚本吗?

    :: Set primary and alternate DNS for IPv4
for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%a in ("%SITEID%") DO set DROPZERO=%%a
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

SET adapterName=

FOR /F "tokens=* delims=:" %%a IN ('IPCONFIG ^| FIND /I "ETHERNET ADAPTER"') DO SET adapterName=%%a

REM Removes "Ethernet adapter" from the front of the adapter name
SET adapterName=!adapterName:~17!
REM Removes the colon from the end of the adapter name
SET adapterName=!adapterName:~0,-1!

echo Setting Static IP Information... 
set IP_Addr=10.102.%DROPZERO%.105
set D_Gate=10.102.%DROPZERO%.1
set Sub_Mask=
netsh interface ip set address "!adapterName!" static %IP_Addr% %Sub_Mask% %D_Gate% 1 > output_net.txt
netsh interface ip set dns name="!adapterName!" static primary >> output_net.txt
netsh interface ip add dns name="!adapterName!" index=2 >> output_net.txt

1 回答 1


这是T-Diddy发布的批处理代码的改进版本,适用于英语和德语 Windows。

@echo off
rem Set primary and alternate DNS for IPv4.
set "SITEID=020"

rem The next line removes leading zeros to define the third octet of the
rem IPv4 address always correct. There are implementations on IP address
rem parsing routines on Windows (for example command ping) and Linux which
rem interpret integer numbers with a leading 0 as octal number and not as
rem decimal number according to C standard. The number 020 would be set
rem unexpected as decimal number 16 instead of 20.
for /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%A in ("%SITEID%") do set DROPZERO=%%A

rem Get first ethernet adapter name output by command IPCONFIG filtered
rem by command FINDSTR with a case-insensitive regular expression search.
rem "Ethernet adapter " is output left to the name of the adapter on English
rem Windows. But on German Windows "Ethernetadapter" is the right word. This
rem is the reason for the regular expression with an optional space between
rem "ethernet" and "adpater".
set "AdapterName="
for /F "tokens=* delims=:" %%A in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\ipconfig.exe ^| %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /I /R "ethernet.*adapter"') do (
    set "AdapterName=%%A"
    goto SetAddress
rem No ethernet adapter found, exit batch job.
goto :EOF

rem Remove everything from beginning of string to first occurrence of
rem the string "adapter " to remove "Ethernet adapter " respectively
rem on German Windows "Ethernetadapter".
set "AdapterName=%AdapterName:*adapter =%"

rem Remove the colon from the end of the adapter name.
set "AdapterName=%AdapterName:~0,-1%"

echo Ethernet adapter found: %AdapterName%
echo Setting static IP information ...
set IpAddress=10.102.%DROPZERO%.105
set DefaultGate=10.102.%DROPZERO%.1
set SubNetMask=
%SystemRoot%\System32\netsh.exe interface ip set address "%adapterName%" static %IpAddress% %SubNetMask% %DefaultGate% ^1>output_net.txt
%SystemRoot%\System32\netsh.exe interface ip set dns name="%adapterName%" static primary>>output_net.txt
%SystemRoot%\System32\netsh.exe interface ip add dns name="%adapterName%" index=^2>>output_net.txt

我在这里看不到在 Windows XP 上使用的问题

set "AdapterName=%AdapterName:~0,-1%"

但在for循环中使用命令findstr而不是find. 并且在设置适配器名称时使用双引号,以避免错误地将尾随空格附加到适配器名称。这可能是重要的区别。


切勿输入带有 1 或 2 个前导零的 IPv4 地址的 4 个八位字节。这很容易导致被解释为八进制数,这绝对不是任何人所期望的。

你不相信。在 Linux 或 Windows 上试一试,例如运行命令


您是否期望 ping 以 执行,如输出中所写?

于 2014-09-27T19:11:26.723 回答