我对 C 很陌生。我希望能够多次移动字母“x”中的字母以创建基本密码。

我在使用 islower() 函数时遇到问题。我正在使用“i”,但是,我无法将其更改为字符。

#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

string p;

int main(int argc, string argv[])
    //if argument count does not equal 2, exit and return 1
    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Less or more than 2 arguments given, exiting...\n");
        return 1;
    else //prompt user for plaintext to encrypt
        p = GetString();

    //take the second part of the array (the int entered by user) and store as k (used as the encryption key)
    //string k = argv[1];
    int k = atoi(argv[1]);

    // c = (p + k) % 26;    
    //iterate over the characters in the string
    //p represents the position in the alphabet of a plaintext letter
    //c likewise represents a position in the alphabet
    char new;
    for (int i = 0, n = strlen(p); i < n; i++)
    if (islower((char)i))
        //printf("%c\n", p[i] + (k % 26));
        printf("This prints p:%s\n", p);
        printf("This prints i:%d\n", (char)i);
        printf("This prints k:%d\n", k);
        printf("This prints output of lower(i):%d\n", islower(i));
        new = (p[i] - 97);
        new += k;
        //printf("%d\n", new  %26 + 97);
        //printf("i = |%c| is lowercase\n", i);
        printf("%c\n", new % 26 + 97);
    else {
        //printf("%c", p[i] + (k % 26));
        printf("This prints p:%s\n", p);       
        printf("This prints i:%d\n", (char)i);
        printf("This prints k:%d\n", k);
        printf("This prints output of lower(i):%d\n", islower(i));
        new = (p[i] - 65);
        new += k;
        //printf("%d\n", new % 26 + 65);
        //printf("i = |%c| is uppercase\n", i);
        printf("%c\n", new % 26 + 65);


jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/CS50x/pset2): ./caesar2 1
zZ < here is my input
This prints p:zZ
This prints i:0
This prints k:1
This prints output of lower(i):0
G < here is fails, lower case z should move to lower case a
This prints p:zZ
This prints i:1
This prints k:1
This prints output of lower(i):0
A < here is a success! upper case Z moves to upper case A

2 回答 2


英文字母在 C 中使用,如 ASCII 中定义的那样。'Z' (ASCII 90) 后面只有 '{' (ASCII 91)。要返回“A”,您应该按以下方式进行所有班次:

  1. 将您的 ASCII 字符减去 65。它将导致输出介于 0 到 25(含)之间。
  2. 添加位移(移位距离)。
  3. 取模 26,以环绕您的结果。
  4. 再次添加 65。


如果您想为小字符添加类似的功能,请执行上述过程,将 65 替换为 97。要检查您是否有小字符或大写字符,请使用isupper(). 您必须为特殊字符添加更多和特定的代码。

于 2014-03-05T20:19:39.290 回答


你想测试那个位置的角色 - islower(p[i])

于 2014-03-24T20:39:35.020 回答