所以有一个环境,我把 data.frame 放进去

dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus) termCount = c(".94", ".96", ".98" ,".99") freqMatrix <- new.env() spam <- new.env() for (v in termCount){ # Remove sparse terms to get a managable number of terms. dtmEnv[[v]] <- removeSparseTerms(dtm, as.numeric(v)) # Convert the document term matrix to a standard matrix. freqMatrix[[v]] <- as.data.frame( as.matrix(dtmEnv[[v]])) # Normalize the frequency matrix: 0 if absent, 1 if present. spam[[v]] <- (freqMatrix[[v]] > 0) + 0 # Add 0 to convert from logical to int. }


for (v in termCount){
  trainData <- (spam[[v]])[folds$subsets[folds$which != i], ]
  testData  <- (spam[[v]])[folds$subsets[folds$which == i], ]
 # ... more stuff hear ...

spam[[v]] 中的错误(来自 #8):子集环境的参数错误


我究竟做错了什么?是否有一种更简洁的方法可以对 termCount 中的不同值进行这种迭代?


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