I use the Bokeh. I like Bokeh very much, Because Bokeh have the many chart and output file is very simple
I work for Semiconductor Corporation, I sometimes analysis the semicon. data.
I have the many data and I make the many chart. may be 1000~4000 chart ops!!!!!
I use the Bokeh for making chart, but bokeh is very slow, I don't why ........
for example, data have 6000 rows, 250 columns (csv format), I want to plot about 250 columns
I use the matplotlib and numpy, source is like this about Bokeh
rect(hist_array[cnt, param_num, 0], \
hist_array[cnt, param_num, 1]/2.0, \
0.01 * (hist_array[cnt, param_num, 0][2] - hist_array[cnt, param_num, 0][1]), \
hist_array[cnt, param_num, 1], \
y_range=Range1d(start=0,end=param_array[param_num, 1][:file_count].max()*1.1), \
x_range=Range1d(start=param_array[param_num, 2][:file_count].min(), end=param_array[param_num, 3][:file_count].max()), \
plot_width=1200, plot_height=400,
fill_color=colormap[cnt], \
line_color=colormap[cnt], \
#fill_alpha=0.1, \
#line_alpha=0.1, \
legend=file_name[4] + ' ' + tmpIndex[param_cnt])
I don't know why Bokeh is slow, may be 100 sec