I am doing junit on my Spring MVC controller -

@RequestMapping(value = "index", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public HashMap<String, String> handleRequest() {
    HashMap<String, String> model = new HashMap<String, String>();
    String name = "Hello World";
    model.put("greeting", name);

    return model;

And below is my junit for the above method -

public class ControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void setup() throws Exception {
    this.mockMvc = standaloneSetup(new Controller()).build();

    public void test01_Index() {

    try {

    } catch (Exception e) {

Above junit works fine..

But my question is how do I junit the return type of handleRequest which is returning a HashMap with key and value pair.. How do I verify that it is returning Hello World? Is there any method to do that as well?


1 回答 1


Take a look at the examples in the Spring reference manual referring to using MockMvc to test server-side code. Assuming you are returning a JSON response:

    .andExpect(jsonPath("$.greeting").value("Hello World"));

By the way - never catch and swallow an exception in a @Test method, unless you want to ignore that exception and prevent it from failing the test. If the compiler is complaining that your test method called a method that throws an exception and you didn't handle it, simply change your method signature to throws Exception.

于 2014-03-04T20:29:49.997 回答