Is it possible to create gwt-openlayers map with 3D objects on it?

I know that KML layers can be used for drawing 3D objects and supported by gwt-openlayers. And I also know that gwt-openlayers can draw WMS and WFS layers from remote ArcGis web-service.


  1. In the KML example I mentioned above some local static .kml file used. I need to show moving 3D objects on the map. Is it possible to deploy KML web service on arcgis which takes coordinates as locates 3D models to taken coordinates?
  2. Is there any working example of using KML in gwt-openlayers from web-service but not from local file? If I replace protocolOptions.setUrl("lines.kml") in the example to protocolOptions.setUrl("http:web-service-url") will it work?
  3. Is there any online KML services which I can use to check my app?

1 回答 1

  1. 不知道
  2. 在我看来,这应该有效。你试过这个吗?
  3. 不知道
于 2014-03-04T12:35:50.397 回答