我正在使用 SDL 2.0 和 C++ 制作一个自上而下的等距游戏,但遇到了一个小故障。
// Rendering
DSDataTypes::Sint32 World::Render()
//TODO: Change from indexing to using an interator (pointer) for efficiency
for(int index = 0; index < static_cast<int>(mWorldSize.mX * mWorldSize.mY); ++index)
const int kTileType = static_cast<int>(mpTilesList[index].GetType());
//Translate the world so that when camera panning occurs the objects in the world will all be in the accurate position
//position (dstRect)
SDL_Rect position;
position.x = static_cast<int>(mpTilesList[index].GetPositionCurrent().mX + Window::GetPanOffset().mX);
position.y = static_cast<int>(mpTilesList[index].GetPositionCurrent().mY + Window::GetPanOffset().mY);
position.w = static_cast<int>(mpTilesList[index].GetSize().mX);
position.h = static_cast<int>(mpTilesList[index].GetSize().mY);
//clip (frame)
SDL_Rect clip;
clip.x = static_cast<int>(mpSourceList[kTileType].GetFramePos().mX);
clip.y = static_cast<int>(mpSourceList[kTileType].GetFramePos().mY);
clip.w = static_cast<int>(mpSourceList[kTileType].GetFrameSize().mX);
clip.h = static_cast<int>(mpSourceList[kTileType].GetFrameSize().mY);
//Check to ensure tile is being drawn within the screen size. If so, rendercopy it, else simply skip over and do not render it.
//If the tile's position.x is greather than the left border of the screen
if(position.x > (-mpSourceList[kTileType].GetRenderSize().mX))
//If the tile's position.y is greather than the top border of the screen
if(position.y > (-mpSourceList[kTileType].GetRenderSize().mY))
//If the tile's position.x is less than the right border of the screen
if(position.x < Window::msWindowSize.w)
//If the tile's position.y is less than the bottom border of the screen
if(position.y < Window::msWindowSize.h)
SDL_RenderCopy(Window::mspRenderer.get(), mpSourceList[kTileType].GetTexture(), &clip, &position);
return 0;//TODO