我想知道如何将网站的字段与应用程序链接。就像我有一个大学出勤网站,我们都在上面检查我们的出勤率,然后一个学生在安卓上制作了一个应用程序,我们通过输入学生 ID 和密码登录。那么这个人是如何将信息从应用程序发送到网站并获取信息的呢?提前致谢!该网站是 www.websismit.Manipal.edu。
2 回答
In thin client mobile applications, we generally deal with lot of data exchange between server and mobile app. Mobile app is nothing but a client. So in order to get/post data from server you have to write APIs. Now writing restful API is your choice you can use any on the available language. I believe your website is up already so just search and you can easily get ways to expose RESTful APIs.
There are different ways to identify client request, for that you should use Access Token to identify the clientID/UserID or whatever id you are maintaining.
For consuming API from android, you can refer to this tutorial.
您可以使用 webview 制作一个具有单一活动的 android 应用程序,并在 webview 中打开您的网站。您也可以为此使用 html 5 和 jquery mobile。
您可以制作本机应用程序并使用 Web 服务获取/设置参数结果。