尝试关注 Gruntfile.js。它忽略 psd 目录。在以下问题中找到解决方案。
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
copy: {
main: {
src: ['**/*', '!**/psd/**'],
expand: true,
cwd: 'dev',
dest: 'pub',
// Load the plugin that provides the "copy" task.
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['copy']);
mkdir gruntQuestion1
cd gruntQuestion1/
mkdir dev
mkdir dev/psd
mkdir dev/css
mkdir dev/image
touch dev/html.html
touch dev/psd/psd.psd
touch dev/psd/png.png
touch dev/css/css.css
touch dev/image/1.jpg
touch dev/image/2.png
atilla$ rm -rf pub/
atilla$ grunt
Running "copy:main" (copy) task
Created 2 directories, copied 4 files
Done, without errors.
atilla$ tree pub/
├── css
│ └── css.css
├── html.html
└── image
├── 1.jpg
└── 2.png
2 directories, 4 files