请不要说 EHCache 或 OSCache 等。出于这个问题的目的,假设我想只使用 SDK 来实现我自己的(边做边学)。鉴于缓存将在多线程环境中使用,您将使用哪些数据结构?我已经使用LinkedHashMapCollections#synchronizedMap实现了一个,但我很好奇是否有任何新的并发集合会是更好的候选者。

更新:当我发现这个金块时,我正在阅读Yegge 的最新消息:

如果您需要恒定时间的访问并希望维护插入顺序,那么最好的方法就是 LinkedHashMap,这是一种真正美妙的数据结构。唯一可能更精彩的方法是如果有一个并发版本。可惜。


根据到目前为止的答案,对于高度并发的 LRU,我最好的选择是使用一些相同的逻辑来扩展ConcurrentHashMapLinkedHashMap


21 回答 21


我喜欢很多这些建议,但现在我想我会坚持使用LinkedHashMap+ Collections.synchronizedMap。如果我将来重新审视这个,我可能会以与 extendsConcurrentHashMap相同的方式进行LinkedHashMap扩展HashMap



private class LruCache<A, B> extends LinkedHashMap<A, B> {
    private final int maxEntries;

    public LruCache(final int maxEntries) {
        super(maxEntries + 1, 1.0f, true);
        this.maxEntries = maxEntries;

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this <code>LruCache</code> has more entries than the maximum specified when it was
     * created.
     * <p>
     * This method <em>does not</em> modify the underlying <code>Map</code>; it relies on the implementation of
     * <code>LinkedHashMap</code> to do that, but that behavior is documented in the JavaDoc for
     * <code>LinkedHashMap</code>.
     * </p>
     * @param eldest
     *            the <code>Entry</code> in question; this implementation doesn't care what it is, since the
     *            implementation is only dependent on the size of the cache
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the oldest
     * @see java.util.LinkedHashMap#removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry)
    protected boolean removeEldestEntry(final Map.Entry<A, B> eldest) {
        return super.size() > maxEntries;

Map<String, String> example = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LruCache<String, String>(CACHE_SIZE));
于 2009-12-23T15:43:23.770 回答

如果我今天从头开始再做一次,我会使用 Guava 的CacheBuilder.

于 2012-12-13T02:21:07.740 回答





import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class LruSimpleCache<K, V> implements LruCache <K, V>{

    Map<K, V> map = new LinkedHashMap (  );

    public LruSimpleCache (final int limit) {
           map = new LinkedHashMap <K, V> (16, 0.75f, true) {
               protected boolean removeEldestEntry(final Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) {
                   return super.size() > limit;
    public void put ( K key, V value ) {
        map.put ( key, value );

    public V get ( K key ) {
        return map.get(key);

    //For testing only
    public V getSilent ( K key ) {
        V value =  map.get ( key );
        if (value!=null) {
            map.remove ( key );
            map.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public void remove ( K key ) {
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString() {
        return map.toString ();


true 标志将跟踪gets 和puts 的访问。请参阅 JavaDocs。构造函数没有 true 标志的 removeEdelstEntry 只会实现 FIFO 缓存(请参阅下面关于 FIFO 和 removeEldestEntry 的注释)。

这是证明它可以用作 LRU 缓存的测试:

public class LruSimpleTest {

    public void test () {
        LruCache <Integer, Integer> cache = new LruSimpleCache<> ( 4 );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        boolean ok = cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );

        cache.put ( 4, 4 );
        cache.put ( 5, 5 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == 4 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == 5 || die ();

        cache.get ( 2 );
        cache.get ( 3 );
        cache.put ( 6, 6 );
        cache.put ( 7, 7 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == null || die ();

        if ( !ok ) die ();



包 org.boon.cache;

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

public class LruSimpleConcurrentCache<K, V> implements LruCache<K, V> {

    final CacheMap<K, V>[] cacheRegions;

    private static class CacheMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
        private final ReadWriteLock readWriteLock;
        private final int limit;

        CacheMap ( final int limit, boolean fair ) {
            super ( 16, 0.75f, true );
            this.limit = limit;
            readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock ( fair );


        protected boolean removeEldestEntry ( final Map.Entry<K, V> eldest ) {
            return super.size () > limit;

        public V put ( K key, V value ) {
            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();

            V old;
            try {

                old = super.put ( key, value );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return old;


        public V get ( Object key ) {
            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();
            V value;

            try {

                value = super.get ( key );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return value;

        public V remove ( Object key ) {

            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();
            V value;

            try {

                value = super.remove ( key );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return value;


        public V getSilent ( K key ) {
            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();

            V value;

            try {

                value = this.get ( key );
                if ( value != null ) {
                    this.remove ( key );
                    this.put ( key, value );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return value;


        public int size () {
            readWriteLock.readLock ().lock ();
            int size = -1;
            try {
                size = super.size ();
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.readLock ().unlock ();
            return size;

        public String toString () {
            readWriteLock.readLock ().lock ();
            String str;
            try {
                str = super.toString ();
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.readLock ().unlock ();
            return str;


    public LruSimpleConcurrentCache ( final int limit, boolean fair ) {
        int cores = Runtime.getRuntime ().availableProcessors ();
        int stripeSize = cores < 2 ? 4 : cores * 2;
        cacheRegions = new CacheMap[ stripeSize ];
        for ( int index = 0; index < cacheRegions.length; index++ ) {
            cacheRegions[ index ] = new CacheMap<> ( limit / cacheRegions.length, fair );

    public LruSimpleConcurrentCache ( final int concurrency, final int limit, boolean fair ) {

        cacheRegions = new CacheMap[ concurrency ];
        for ( int index = 0; index < cacheRegions.length; index++ ) {
            cacheRegions[ index ] = new CacheMap<> ( limit / cacheRegions.length, fair );

    private int stripeIndex ( K key ) {
        int hashCode = key.hashCode () * 31;
        return hashCode % ( cacheRegions.length );

    private CacheMap<K, V> map ( K key ) {
        return cacheRegions[ stripeIndex ( key ) ];

    public void put ( K key, V value ) {

        map ( key ).put ( key, value );

    public V get ( K key ) {
        return map ( key ).get ( key );

    //For testing only
    public V getSilent ( K key ) {
        return map ( key ).getSilent ( key );


    public void remove ( K key ) {
        map ( key ).remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        int size = 0;
        for ( CacheMap<K, V> cache : cacheRegions ) {
            size += cache.size ();
        return size;

    public String toString () {

        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ();
        for ( CacheMap<K, V> cache : cacheRegions ) {
            builder.append ( cache.toString () ).append ( '\n' );

        return builder.toString ();




public class SimpleConcurrentLRUCache {

    public void test () {
        LruCache <Integer, Integer> cache = new LruSimpleConcurrentCache<> ( 1, 4, false );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        boolean ok = cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );

        cache.put ( 4, 4 );
        cache.put ( 5, 5 );

        puts (cache);
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == 4 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == 5 || die ();

        cache.get ( 2 );
        cache.get ( 3 );
        cache.put ( 6, 6 );
        cache.put ( 7, 7 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();

        cache.put ( 8, 8 );
        cache.put ( 9, 9 );

        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == null || die ();

        puts (cache);

        if ( !ok ) die ();


    public void test2 () {
        LruCache <Integer, Integer> cache = new LruSimpleConcurrentCache<> ( 400, false );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        for (int index =0 ; index < 5_000; index++) {
            cache.get ( 1 );
            cache.put ( 2, index  );
            cache.put ( 3, index );
            cache.put(index, index);

        boolean ok = cache.getSilent ( 0 ) == 0 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 1 ) == 1 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) != null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) != null || die ();

        ok |= cache.size () < 600 || die();
        if ( !ok ) die ();



这是最后一篇文章。我删除的第一篇文章是 LFU 而不是 LRU 缓存。

我想我会再试一次。我试图使用标准 JDK 提供最简单的 LRU 缓存版本,但没有太多实现。

这是我想出的。我的第一次尝试有点灾难,因为我实现了 LFU 而不是 LRU,然后我添加了 FIFO 和 LRU 支持……然后我意识到它正在变成一个怪物。然后我开始和我几乎不感兴趣的朋友 John 交谈,然后我详细描述了我如何实现 LFU、LRU 和 FIFO,以及如何使用简单的 ENUM arg 切换它,然后我意识到我真正想要的只是是一个简单的 LRU。所以请忽略我之前的帖子,如果您想查看可通过枚举切换的 LRU/LFU/FIFO 缓存,请告诉我...不是吗?好的..他走了。

仅使用 JDK 的最简单的 LRU。我实现了并发版本和非并发版本。

我创建了一个通用界面(它是极简主义,因此可能缺少一些您想要的功能,但它适用于我的用例,但是如果您想查看功能 XYZ,请告诉我……我为编写代码而生。) .

public interface LruCache<KEY, VALUE> {
    void put ( KEY key, VALUE value );

    VALUE get ( KEY key );

    VALUE getSilent ( KEY key );

    void remove ( KEY key );

    int size ();

您可能想知道getSilent是什么。我用它来测试。getSilent 不会更改项目的 LRU 分数。


import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;

public class LruCacheNormal<KEY, VALUE> implements LruCache<KEY,VALUE> {

    Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new HashMap<> ();
    Deque<KEY> queue = new LinkedList<> ();
    final int limit;

    public LruCacheNormal ( int limit ) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public void put ( KEY key, VALUE value ) {
        VALUE oldValue = map.put ( key, value );

        /*If there was already an object under this key,
         then remove it before adding to queue
         Frequently used keys will be at the top so the search could be fast.
        if ( oldValue != null ) {
            queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        queue.addFirst ( key );

        if ( map.size () > limit ) {
            final KEY removedKey = queue.removeLast ();
            map.remove ( removedKey );


    public VALUE get ( KEY key ) {

        /* Frequently used keys will be at the top so the search could be fast.*/
        queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        queue.addFirst ( key );
        return map.get ( key );

    public VALUE getSilent ( KEY key ) {

        return map.get ( key );

    public void remove ( KEY key ) {

        /* Frequently used keys will be at the top so the search could be fast.*/
        queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString() {
        return map.toString ();

如果缓存很大,则queue.removeFirstOccurrence 可能是一项代价高昂的操作。可以以 LinkedList 为例,添加一个从元素到节点的反向查找哈希映射,以使删除操作更快更一致。我也开始了,但后来意识到我不需要它。但是……也许……


如果您的缓存很小并且构建项目的成本很高,那么这应该是一个很好的缓存。如果您的缓存真的很大,那么线性搜索可能是一个瓶颈,特别是如果您没有缓存的热点区域。热点越强烈,线性搜索越快,因为热点总是在线性搜索的顶部。无论如何...为了加快速度,需要编写另一个具有删除操作的 LinkedList,该操作具有反向元素到节点查找以进行删除,然后删除将与从哈希映射中删除键一样快。

如果您的缓存少于 1,000 个项目,这应该可以正常工作。


public class LruCacheTest {

    public void test () {
        LruCache<Integer, Integer> cache = new LruCacheNormal<> ( 4 );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        boolean ok = cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 0 ) == 0 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();

        cache.put ( 4, 4 );
        cache.put ( 5, 5 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 0 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 1 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == 4 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == 5 || die ();

        if ( !ok ) die ();


最后一个 LRU 缓存是单线程的,请不要将它包装在同步的任何东西中......


import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class ConcurrentLruCache<KEY, VALUE> implements LruCache<KEY,VALUE> {

    private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock ();

    private final Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<> ();
    private final Deque<KEY> queue = new LinkedList<> ();
    private final int limit;

    public ConcurrentLruCache ( int limit ) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public void put ( KEY key, VALUE value ) {
        VALUE oldValue = map.put ( key, value );
        if ( oldValue != null ) {
            removeThenAddKey ( key );
        } else {
            addKey ( key );
        if (map.size () > limit) {
            map.remove ( removeLast() );

    public VALUE get ( KEY key ) {
        removeThenAddKey ( key );
        return map.get ( key );

    private void addKey(KEY key) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            queue.addFirst ( key );
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();


    private KEY removeLast( ) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            final KEY removedKey = queue.removeLast ();
            return removedKey;
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();

    private void removeThenAddKey(KEY key) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
            queue.addFirst ( key );
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();


    private void removeFirstOccurrence(KEY key) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();


    public VALUE getSilent ( KEY key ) {
        return map.get ( key );

    public void remove ( KEY key ) {
        removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString () {
        return map.toString ();

主要区别在于使用 ConcurrentHashMap 而不是 HashMap,以及 Lock 的使用(我本来可以使用同步的,但是......)。

我还没有对它进行过测试,但它似乎是一个简单的 LRU 缓存,它可能适用于 80% 的需要简单 LRU 映射的用例。

我欢迎反馈,除了你为什么不使用库 a、b 或 c。我不总是使用库的原因是因为我并不总是希望每个 war 文件都为 80MB,而且我编写库所以我倾向于使用足够好的解决方案使库可插入,并且有人可以插入- 如果他们愿意,可以在另一个缓存提供程序中。:) 我不知道什么时候有人可能需要 Guava 或 ehcache 或其他我不想包含它们的东西,但是如果我使缓存可插入,我也不会排除它们。



好的..我知道你在想什么...他为什么不直接使用 LinkedHashMap 中的 removeEldest 条目,我应该但是.. 但是.. 但是.. 那将是 FIFO 而不是 LRU,我们是尝试实现 LRU。

    Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new LinkedHashMap<KEY, VALUE> () {

        protected boolean removeEldestEntry ( Map.Entry<KEY, VALUE> eldest ) {
            return this.size () > limit;


        cache.get ( 2 );
        cache.get ( 3 );
        cache.put ( 6, 6 );
        cache.put ( 7, 7 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == null || die ();

所以这里是一个使用 removeEldestEntry 的快速且脏的 FIFO 缓存。

import java.util.*;

public class FifoCache<KEY, VALUE> implements LruCache<KEY,VALUE> {

    final int limit;

    Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new LinkedHashMap<KEY, VALUE> () {

        protected boolean removeEldestEntry ( Map.Entry<KEY, VALUE> eldest ) {
            return this.size () > limit;

    public LruCacheNormal ( int limit ) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public void put ( KEY key, VALUE value ) {
         map.put ( key, value );


    public VALUE get ( KEY key ) {

        return map.get ( key );

    public VALUE getSilent ( KEY key ) {

        return map.get ( key );

    public void remove ( KEY key ) {
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString() {
        return map.toString ();

FIFO 很快。不用四处寻找。您可以在 LRU 前面放置一个 FIFO,这样可以很好地处理大多数热条目。更好的 LRU 将需要反向元素到节点功能。


于 2013-12-17T21:23:57.503 回答

LinkedHashMap是 O(1),但需要同步。无需在那里重新发明轮子。

增加并发性的 2 个选项:

1.创建多个LinkedHashMap,并散列到它们中:示例:LinkedHashMap[4], index 0, 1, 2, 3。在 do key%4 (或binary ORon [key, 3])键上选择要执行 put/get/remove 的地图。

2.您可以通过扩展来做一个“几乎”LRU ConcurrentHashMap,并在其中的每个区域中都有一个类似结构的链接哈希图。锁定将比LinkedHashMap同步的更细化。在列表的头部和尾部需要一个put或仅一个锁(每个区域)。putIfAbsent在删除或获取整个区域时需要锁定。我很好奇某种原子链表是否会在这里有所帮助——对于列表的头部可能是这样。也许更多。

该结构不会保留总订单,而只会保留每个区域的订单。只要条目的数量远大于区域的数量,这对于大多数缓存来说就足够了。每个区域都必须有自己的条目计数,这将被使用而不是驱逐触发器的全局计数。a 中的默认区域数ConcurrentHashMap是 16,这对于当今的大多数服务器来说已经足够了。

  1. 在中等并发下会更容易编写和更快。

  2. 将更难编写,但在非常高的并发性下可以更好地扩展。正常访问会更慢(就像没有并发的地方一样ConcurrentHashMap慢)HashMap

于 2009-03-05T03:33:34.193 回答


Apache Solr 有 ConcurrentLRUCache: https ://lucene.apache.org/solr/3_6_1/org/apache/solr/util/ConcurrentLRUCache.html

ConcurrentLinkedHashMap 有一个开源项目: http ://code.google.com/p/concurrentlinkedhashmap/

于 2010-07-16T23:53:03.493 回答



class CacheElement {
    private final Object obj;
    private int numberOfUsers = 0;

    CacheElement(Object obj) {
        this.obj = obj;

    ... etc.
于 2008-10-21T11:41:20.730 回答

希望这可以帮助 。

import java.util.*;
public class Lru {

public static <K,V> Map<K,V> lruCache(final int maxSize) {
    return new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(maxSize*4/3, 0.75f, true) {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3588047435434569014L;

        protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) {
            return size() > maxSize;
 public static void main(String[] args ) {
    Map<Object, Object> lru = Lru.lruCache(2);      
    lru.put("1", "1");
    lru.put("2", "2");
    lru.put("3", "3");
于 2014-10-28T05:01:33.077 回答

LRU Cache 可以使用 ConcurrentLinkedQueue 和 ConcurrentHashMap 来实现,也可以在多线程场景中使用。队列的头部是在队列中时间最长的元素。队列的尾部是在队列中时间最短的元素。当 Map 中存在元素时,我们可以将其从 LinkedQueue 中移除并插入到尾部。

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

public class LRUCache<K,V> {
  private ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> map;
  private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<K> queue;
  private final int size; 

  public LRUCache(int size) {
    this.size = size;
    map = new ConcurrentHashMap<K,V>(size);
    queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<K>();

  public V get(K key) {
    //Recently accessed, hence move it to the tail
    return map.get(key);

  public void put(K key, V value) {
    //ConcurrentHashMap doesn't allow null key or values
    if(key == null || value == null) throw new NullPointerException();
    if(map.containsKey(key) {
    if(queue.size() >= size) {
      K lruKey = queue.poll();
      if(lruKey != null) {

于 2014-04-06T08:41:23.327 回答

这是我对 LRU 的实现。我使用了 PriorityQueue,它基本上可以作为 FIFO 而不是线程安全的。Used Comparator 基于页面时间创建并基于最近最少使用时间执行页面排序。


页面:2 已经存在于缓存中。上次访问时间更新
页面:2 已存在于缓存中。上次访问时间更新


LRUCache Pages
PageName: 8, PageCreationTime: 1365957019974
PageName: 2, PageCreationTime: 1365957020074
PageName: 4, PageCreationTime: 1365957020174


import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;

public class LRUForCache {
    private PriorityQueue<LRUPage> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<LRUPage>(3, new LRUPageComparator());
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

        System.out.println(" Pages for consideration : 2, 1, 0, 2, 8, 2, 4");

        LRUForCache cache = new LRUForCache();
        cache.addPageToQueue(new LRUPage("2"));
        cache.addPageToQueue(new LRUPage("1"));
        cache.addPageToQueue(new LRUPage("0"));
        cache.addPageToQueue(new LRUPage("2"));
        cache.addPageToQueue(new LRUPage("8"));
        cache.addPageToQueue(new LRUPage("2"));
        cache.addPageToQueue(new LRUPage("4"));

        System.out.println("\nLRUCache Pages");

    public synchronized void  addPageToQueue(LRUPage page){
        boolean pageExists = false;
        if(priorityQueue.size() == 3){
            Iterator<LRUPage> iterator = priorityQueue.iterator();

                LRUPage next = iterator.next();
                    /* wanted to just change the time, so that no need to poll and add again.
                       but elements ordering does not happen, it happens only at the time of adding
                       to the queue

                       In case somebody finds it, plz let me know.

                    System.out.println("Page: " + page.getPageName() + " already exisit in cache. Last accessed time updated");
                    pageExists = true;
                // enable it for printing the queue elemnts
                LRUPage poll = priorityQueue.poll();
                System.out.println("Page Fault, PAGE: " + poll.getPageName()+", Replaced with PAGE: "+page.getPageName());

            System.out.println("Page added into cache is : " + page.getPageName());


    public void displayPriorityQueue(){
        Iterator<LRUPage> iterator = priorityQueue.iterator();
            LRUPage next = iterator.next();

class LRUPage{
    private String pageName;
    private long pageCreationTime;
    public LRUPage(String pagename){
        this.pageName = pagename;
        this.pageCreationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    public String getPageName() {
        return pageName;

    public long getPageCreationTime() {
        return pageCreationTime;

    public void setPageCreationTime(long pageCreationTime) {
        this.pageCreationTime = pageCreationTime;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        LRUPage page = (LRUPage)obj; 
        if(pageCreationTime == page.pageCreationTime){
            return true;
        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return (int) (31 * pageCreationTime);

    public String toString() {
        return "PageName: " + pageName +", PageCreationTime: "+pageCreationTime;

class LRUPageComparator implements Comparator<LRUPage>{

    public int compare(LRUPage o1, LRUPage o2) {
        if(o1.getPageCreationTime() > o2.getPageCreationTime()){
            return 1;
        if(o1.getPageCreationTime() < o2.getPageCreationTime()){
            return -1;
        return 0;
于 2013-04-14T16:36:01.370 回答

好吧,对于缓存,您通常会通过代理对象(URL,String ....)查找一些数据,因此在接口方面您将需要一个地图。但是要将事情踢出去,您需要一个类似结构的队列。在内部,我会维护两个数据结构,一个 Priority-Queue 和一个 HashMap。这是一个应该能够在 O(1) 时间内完成所有事情的实现。


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class LRUCache<K, V>
    int maxSize;
    int currentSize = 0;

    Map<K, ValueHolder<K, V>> map;
    LinkedList<K> queue;

    public LRUCache(int maxSize)
        this.maxSize = maxSize;
        map = new HashMap<K, ValueHolder<K, V>>();
        queue = new LinkedList<K>();

    private void freeSpace()
        K k = queue.remove();

    public void put(K key, V val)
        while(currentSize >= maxSize)
        {//just heat up that item
        ListNode<K> ln = queue.add(key);
        ValueHolder<K, V> rv = new ValueHolder<K, V>(val, ln);
        map.put(key, rv);       

    public V get(K key)
        ValueHolder<K, V> rv = map.get(key);
        if(rv == null) return null;
        rv.queueLocation = queue.add(key);//this ensures that each item has only one copy of the key in the queue
        return rv.value;

class ListNode<K>
    ListNode<K> prev;
    ListNode<K> next;
    K value;
    public ListNode(K v)
        value = v;
        prev = null;
        next = null;

class ValueHolder<K,V>
    V value;
    ListNode<K> queueLocation;
    public ValueHolder(V value, ListNode<K> ql)
        this.value = value;
        this.queueLocation = ql;

class LinkedList<K>
    ListNode<K> head = null;
    ListNode<K> tail = null;

    public ListNode<K> add(K v)
        if(head == null)
            assert(tail == null);
            head = tail = new ListNode<K>(v);
            tail.next = new ListNode<K>(v);
            tail.next.prev = tail;
            tail = tail.next;
            if(tail.prev == null)
                tail.prev = head;
                head.next = tail;
        return tail;

    public K remove()
        if(head == null)
            return null;
        K val = head.value;
        if(head.next == null)
            head = null;
            tail = null;
            head = head.next;
            head.prev = null;
        return val;

    public void remove(ListNode<K> ln)
        ListNode<K> prev = ln.prev;
        ListNode<K> next = ln.next;
        if(prev == null)
            head = next;
            prev.next = next;
        if(next == null)
            tail = prev;
            next.prev = prev;

这是它的工作原理。密钥存储在一个链表中,最旧的密钥位于列表的前面(新密钥位于后面),因此当您需要“弹出”某些内容时,只需将其从队列前面弹出,然后使用密钥从地图中删除值。当一个项目被引用时,您从地图中获取 ValueHolder,然后使用 queuelocation 变量从队列中的当前位置删除键,然后将其放在队列的后面(它现在是最近使用的)。添加东西几乎是一样的。

我敢肯定这里有很多错误,我还没有实现任何同步。但是这个类将提供 O(1) 添加到缓存,O(1) 删除旧项目和 O(1) 检索缓存项目。由于运行时间的原因,即使是微不足道的同步(仅同步每个公共方法)仍然很少有锁争用。如果有人有任何聪明的同步技巧,我会非常感兴趣。此外,我确信您可以使用 maxsize 变量对地图进行一些额外的优化。

于 2008-10-22T02:22:16.630 回答

这是我测试过的性能最好的并发 LRU 缓存实现,没有任何同步块:

public class ConcurrentLRUCache<Key, Value> {

private final int maxSize;

private ConcurrentHashMap<Key, Value> map;
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Key> queue;

public ConcurrentLRUCache(final int maxSize) {
    this.maxSize = maxSize;
    map = new ConcurrentHashMap<Key, Value>(maxSize);
    queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Key>();

 * @param key - may not be null!
 * @param value - may not be null!
public void put(final Key key, final Value value) {
    if (map.containsKey(key)) {
        queue.remove(key); // remove the key from the FIFO queue

    while (queue.size() >= maxSize) {
        Key oldestKey = queue.poll();
        if (null != oldestKey) {
    map.put(key, value);

 * @param key - may not be null!
 * @return the value associated to the given key or null
public Value get(final Key key) {
    return map.get(key);


于 2011-05-26T11:46:44.963 回答

这是我使用的 LRU 缓存,它封装了一个 LinkedHashMap,并通过一个简单的同步锁来处理并发,保护多汁点。它在使用时“接触”元素,使它们再次成为“最新鲜”的元素,因此它实际上是 LRU。我还要求我的元素具有最短寿命,您也可以将其视为允许的“最大空闲时间”,然后您将被驱逐。

但是,我同意 Hank 的结论并接受了答案——如果我今天再次开始,我会查看 Guava 的CacheBuilder.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MaxIdleLRUCache<KK, VV> {

    final static private int IDEAL_MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES = 128;

    public interface DeadElementCallback<KK, VV> {
        public void notify(KK key, VV element);

    private Object lock = new Object();
    private long minAge;
    private HashMap<KK, Item<VV>> cache;

    public MaxIdleLRUCache(long minAgeMilliseconds) {
        this(minAgeMilliseconds, IDEAL_MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES);

    public MaxIdleLRUCache(long minAgeMilliseconds, int idealMaxCacheEntries) {
        this(minAgeMilliseconds, idealMaxCacheEntries, null);

    public MaxIdleLRUCache(long minAgeMilliseconds, int idealMaxCacheEntries, final DeadElementCallback<KK, VV> callback) {
        this.minAge = minAgeMilliseconds;
        this.cache = new LinkedHashMap<KK, Item<VV>>(IDEAL_MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES + 1, .75F, true) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            // This method is called just after a new entry has been added
            public boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<KK, Item<VV>> eldest) {
                // let's see if the oldest entry is old enough to be deleted. We don't actually care about the cache size.
                long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - eldest.getValue().birth;
                if (age > MaxIdleLRUCache.this.minAge) {
                    if ( callback != null ) {
                        callback.notify(eldest.getKey(), eldest.getValue().payload);
                    return true; // remove it
                return false; // don't remove this element


    public void put(KK key, VV value) {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
//          System.out.println("put->"+key+","+value);
            cache.put(key, new Item<VV>(value));

    public VV get(KK key) {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
//          System.out.println("get->"+key);
            Item<VV> item = getItem(key);
            return item == null ? null : item.payload;

    public VV remove(String key) {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
//          System.out.println("remove->"+key);
            Item<VV> item =  cache.remove(key);
            if ( item != null ) {
                return item.payload;
            } else {
                return null;

    public int size() {
        synchronized ( lock ) {
            return cache.size();

    private Item<VV> getItem(KK key) {
        Item<VV> item = cache.get(key);
        if (item == null) {
            return null;
        item.touch(); // idle the item to reset the timeout threshold
        return item;

    private static class Item<T> {
        long birth;
        T payload;

        Item(T payload) {
            this.birth = System.currentTimeMillis();
            this.payload = payload;

        public void touch() {
            this.birth = System.currentTimeMillis();

于 2013-02-21T17:02:40.987 回答

看看ConcurrentSkipListMap。如果元素已经包含在缓存中,它应该给你 log(n) 时间来测试和删除一个元素,以及重新添加它的恒定时间。

您只需要一些计数器等和包装器元素来强制对 LRU 顺序进行排序,并确保在缓存已满时丢弃最近的内容。

于 2008-10-21T12:17:15.260 回答


package util.collection;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

 * Limited size concurrent cache map implementation.<br/>
 * LRU: Least Recently Used.<br/>
 * If you add a new key-value pair to this cache after the maximum size has been exceeded,
 * the oldest key-value pair will be removed before adding.

public class ConcurrentLRUCache<Key, Value> {

private final int maxSize;
private int currentSize = 0;

private ConcurrentHashMap<Key, Value> map;
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Key> queue;

public ConcurrentLRUCache(final int maxSize) {
    this.maxSize = maxSize;
    map = new ConcurrentHashMap<Key, Value>(maxSize);
    queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Key>();

private synchronized void freeSpace() {
    Key key = queue.poll();
    if (null != key) {
        currentSize = map.size();

public void put(Key key, Value val) {
    if (map.containsKey(key)) {// just heat up that item
        put(key, val);
    while (currentSize >= maxSize) {
    synchronized(this) {
        map.put(key, val);

public Value get(Key key) {
    return map.get(key);
于 2011-05-25T13:56:21.557 回答


simplelrucache 提供线程安全、非常简单、非分布式 LRU 缓存,支持 TTL。它提供了两种实现:

  • 基于 ConcurrentLinkedHashMap 的并发
  • 基于LinkedHashMap同步

你可以在这里找到它:http ://code.google.com/p/simplelrucache/

于 2011-12-21T12:18:24.463 回答

实现的最佳方法是使用维护元素插入顺序的 LinkedHashMap。以下是示例代码:

public class Solution {

Map<Integer,Integer> cache;
int capacity;
public Solution(int capacity) {
    this.cache = new LinkedHashMap<Integer,Integer>(capacity); 
    this.capacity = capacity;


// This function returns false if key is not 
// present in cache. Else it moves the key to 
// front by first removing it and then adding 
// it, and returns true. 

public int get(int key) {
if (!cache.containsKey(key)) 
        return -1; 
    int value = cache.get(key);
    return cache.get(key); 


public void set(int key, int value) {

    // If already present, then  
    // remove it first we are going to add later 
     // If cache size is full, remove the least 
    // recently used. 
    else if (cache.size() == capacity) { 
        Iterator<Integer> iterator = cache.keySet().iterator();


于 2020-05-03T10:55:06.160 回答

我正在寻找使用 Java 代码的更好的 LRU 缓存。您是否可以使用LinkedHashMap和共享您的 Java LRU 缓存代码Collections#synchronizedMap?目前我正在使用LRUMap implements Map并且代码工作正常,但我正在ArrayIndexOutofBoundException使用以下方法使用 500 个用户进行负载测试。该方法将最近的对象移动到队列的前面。

private void moveToFront(int index) {
        if (listHead != index) {
            int thisNext = nextElement[index];
            int thisPrev = prevElement[index];
            nextElement[thisPrev] = thisNext;
            if (thisNext >= 0) {
                prevElement[thisNext] = thisPrev;
            } else {
                listTail = thisPrev;
            //old listHead and new listHead say new is 1 and old was 0 then prev[1]= 1 is the head now so no previ so -1
            // prev[0 old head] = new head right ; next[new head] = old head
            prevElement[index] = -1;
            nextElement[index] = listHead;
            prevElement[listHead] = index;
            listHead = index;

get(Object key)put(Object key, Object value)方法调用上述moveToFront方法。

于 2010-08-09T21:07:27.063 回答

想对汉克给出的答案添加评论,但有些我无法做到 - 请将其视为评论

LinkedHashMap 也根据在其构造函数中传递的参数维护访问顺序它保持双行列表以维护顺序(参见 LinkedHashMap.Entry)

@Pacerier 如果再次添加元素,LinkedHashMap 在迭代时保持相同的顺序是正确的,但这仅适用于插入顺序模式。

这是我在 LinkedHashMap.Entry 对象的 java 文档中找到的

     * This method is invoked by the superclass whenever the value
     * of a pre-existing entry is read by Map.get or modified by Map.set.
     * If the enclosing Map is access-ordered, it moves the entry
     * to the end of the list; otherwise, it does nothing.
    void recordAccess(HashMap<K,V> m) {
        LinkedHashMap<K,V> lm = (LinkedHashMap<K,V>)m;
        if (lm.accessOrder) {

此方法负责将最近访问的元素移动到列表末尾。所以总而言之 LinkedHashMap 是实现 LRUCache 的最佳数据结构。

于 2012-08-08T06:00:07.487 回答

另一个想法甚至是使用 Java 的 LinkedHashMap 集合的简单实现。

LinkedHashMap 提供了 removeEldestEntry 方法,可以按照示例中提到的方式覆盖该方法。默认情况下,这个集合结构的实现是假的。如果该结构的真实性和大小超出初始容量,则将删除最旧或更旧的元素。

在我的情况下,我们可以有一个 pageno 和页面内容 pageno 是整数,而 pagecontent 我保留了页码值字符串。

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author Deepak Singhvi
public class LRUCacheUsingLinkedHashMap {

     private static int CACHE_SIZE = 3;
     public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(" Pages for consideration : 2, 1, 0, 2, 8, 2, 4,99");

// accessOrder is true, so whenever any page gets changed or accessed,    // its order will change in the map, 
              LinkedHashMap<Integer,String> lruCache = new              
                 LinkedHashMap<Integer,String>(CACHE_SIZE, .75F, true) {

           private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

           protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Integer,String>                           

                     eldest) {
                          return size() > CACHE_SIZE;


  lruCache.put(2, "2");
  lruCache.put(1, "1");
  lruCache.put(0, "0");
  System.out.println(lruCache + "  , After first 3 pages in cache");
  lruCache.put(2, "2");
  System.out.println(lruCache + "  , Page 2 became the latest page in the cache");
  lruCache.put(8, "8");
  System.out.println(lruCache + "  , Adding page 8, which removes eldest element 2 ");
  lruCache.put(2, "2");
  System.out.println(lruCache+ "  , Page 2 became the latest page in the cache");
  lruCache.put(4, "4");
  System.out.println(lruCache+ "  , Adding page 4, which removes eldest element 1 ");
  lruCache.put(99, "99");
  System.out.println(lruCache + " , Adding page 99, which removes eldest element 8 ");




 Pages for consideration : 2, 1, 0, 2, 8, 2, 4,99
    {2=2, 1=1, 0=0}  , After first 3 pages in cache
    {2=2, 1=1, 0=0}  , Page 2 became the latest page in the cache
    {1=1, 0=0, 8=8}  , Adding page 8, which removes eldest element 2 
    {0=0, 8=8, 2=2}  , Page 2 became the latest page in the cache
    {8=8, 2=2, 4=4}  , Adding page 4, which removes eldest element 1 
    {2=2, 4=4, 99=99} , Adding page 99, which removes eldest element 8 
于 2013-04-25T13:02:17.993 回答

遵循@sanjanab 的概念(但在修复之后),我制作了我的 LRUCache 版本,还提供了 Consumer,允许在需要时对已删除的项目执行某些操作。

public class LRUCache<K, V> {

    private ConcurrentHashMap<K, V> map;
    private final Consumer<V> onRemove;
    private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<K> queue;
    private final int size;

    public LRUCache(int size, Consumer<V> onRemove) {
        this.size = size;
        this.onRemove = onRemove;
        this.map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(size);
        this.queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();

    public V get(K key) {
        //Recently accessed, hence move it to the tail
        if (queue.remove(key)) {
            return map.get(key);
        return null;

    public void put(K key, V value) {
        //ConcurrentHashMap doesn't allow null key or values
        if (key == null || value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("key and value cannot be null!");

        V existing = map.get(key);
        if (existing != null) {

        if (map.size() >= size) {
            K lruKey = queue.poll();
            if (lruKey != null) {
                V removed = map.remove(lruKey);
        map.put(key, value);
于 2019-01-30T17:50:01.057 回答

Android 提供了LRU Cache的实现。代码简洁明了。

于 2014-09-18T09:07:11.417 回答