I have several variables(columns) in a df I want to run lmer (from lme4 package).
Say I have a dataframe called df:
par1 par2 resp1 resp2
plant1 rep1 3 8
plant2 rep2 5 2
I'm trying to write a function to do this, but having trouble passing arguments and using them in the function.
model1 = function(df, varname){
model1 = lmer(varname ~ + (1 | par1) + (1 | par2), data=df)
resp1model = model1(df, "resp1")
resp2model = model1(df, "resp2")
Can someone advise on the best way to do this? Maybe a function isn't the answer? A loop? I should say the reason is that once I get the function working, I want the function to return other things from the model.. such as the AIC, BLUPs, etc..