我正在运行 Lettuce 内置服务器来测试它是否返回给定的响应,但是它显示了 500 响应。
Scenario: Check that home page loads with header
Given I access the home url
then the home page should load with the title "Movies currently showing"
@step(u'Given I access the home url')
def given_i_access_the_home_url(step):
world.response = world.browser.get(django_url('/'))
@step(u'then the home page should load with the title "([^"]*)"')
def then_the_home_page_should_load_with_the_title_group1(step, group1):
assert group1 in world.response
from django.core.management import call_command
from django.test.simple import DjangoTestSuiteRunner
from lettuce import before, after, world
from logging import getLogger
from selenium import webdriver
from south.management.commands import patch_for_test_db_setup
logger = getLogger(__name__)
logger.info("Loading the terrain file...")
def setup_database(actual_server):
This will setup your database, sync it, and run migrations if you are using South.
It does this before the Test Django server is set up.
logger.info("Setting up a test database...")
# Uncomment if you are using South
# patch_for_test_db_setup()
world.test_runner = DjangoTestSuiteRunner(interactive=False)
world.created_db = DjangoTestSuiteRunner.setup_databases(world.test_runner)
call_command('syncdb', interactive=False, verbosity=0)
# Uncomment if you are using South
# call_command('migrate', interactive=False, verbosity=0)
def teardown_database(actual_server):
This will destroy your test database after all of your tests have executed.
logger.info("Destroying the test database ...")
DjangoTestSuiteRunner.teardown_databases(world.test_runner, world.created_db)
def setup_browser():
world.browser = webdriver.Firefox()
def teardown_browser(total):
服务器可能有什么问题,为什么会出现 500 响应错误?