我需要将用于时间机器的硬盘分区与其他普通分区区分开来。是否有 API 来检测时间机器分区/卷?
174 次
1 回答
只要您使用 Lion 或更高版本,Apple 就会为时间机器添加一个名为tmutil的命令行实用程序。根据手册页,运行tmutil destinationinfo
Name The volume label as shown in Finder.
Kind Whether the destination is locally attached storage or a network device.
URL In the case of a network destination, the URL used for Time Machine
Mount Point If the volume is currently mounted, the path in the file system at which
it was mounted.
ID The unique identifier for the destination.
When the -X option is provided, output will be printed in XML property list format.
于 2014-02-28T19:34:06.650 回答