I have just launched the website - exactabacussoftware.com built with a custom theme in wordpress.

I noticed that the page load time was stupidly slow and when I checked the results with pingdom I could see that a lot of the analysis was duplicated and I'm not sure why this is or even if it is whats causing the site to load so slowly.

I haven't yet integrated a cache plugin which I intend to do but regardless of this I cannot see why this page loads for around 24 secs.

The entire site loads properly except for the blog page - http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/cEmMjD/http://www.exactabacussoftware.com/blog

Server Spec: Windows server 2008R2 IIS version 7.5 PHP version 5.3.19

Anyone got any ideas as to why this page is loading so slow?

here is the test sites result aswell for comparison - http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/bw4JTo/wp-eas.exact3ex.co.uk

The only code changes have been the rewrites to the URL's

Over to you guys...


2 回答 2


等待 21.07 秒(Web 浏览器正在等待来自服务器的数据)。

对于 Apache,最常见的原因是使用了 DNS 反向查找。这意味着每次您发出请求时,服务器都会尝试找出您机器的名称。这可能需要几秒钟,这解释了为什么您有很长的等待时间,然后加载非常快,因为问题与带宽无关。

显而易见的解决方案是在 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 中禁用主机名查找

HostnameLookups Off
于 2014-02-28T12:53:38.177 回答


  1. 删除所有活动小部件
  2. 卸载所有插件
  3. 检查加载时间 - 如果没有改进,这是自定义主题的问题。

还有一件事要做(检查它是否不是主机问题) - 激活默认的 wordpress 主题并检查平均加载速度,如果速度没有提高,请尝试正确配置您的服务器或更改托管计划或托管服务提供商。

于 2014-02-28T12:57:14.680 回答