# .make.sh
# This script creates symlinks from the home directory to any desired dotfiles in ~/dotfiles
########## Variables
dir=~/dotfiles # dotfiles directory
olddir=~/dotfiles_old # old dotfiles backup directory
files="bashrc vimrc vim zshrc oh-my-zsh private scrotwm.conf Xresources" # list of files/folders to symlink in homedir
# create dotfiles_old in homedir
echo -n "Creating $olddir for backup of any existing dotfiles in ~ ..."
mkdir -p $olddir
echo "done"
# change to the dotfiles directory
echo -n "Changing to the $dir directory ..."
cd $dir
echo "done"
# move any existing dotfiles in homedir to dotfiles_old directory, then create symlinks from the homedir to any files in the ~/dotfiles directory specified in $files
for file in $files; do
echo "Moving any existing dotfiles from ~ to $olddir"
mv ~/.$file ~/dotfiles_old/
echo "Creating symlink to $file in home directory."
ln -s $dir/$file ~/.$file
install_zsh () {
# Test to see if zshell is installed. If it is:
if [ -f /bin/zsh -o -f /usr/bin/zsh ]; then
# Clone my oh-my-zsh repository from GitHub only if it isn't already present
if [[ ! -d $dir/oh-my-zsh/ ]]; then
git clone http://github.com/michaeljsmalley/oh-my-zsh.git
# Set the default shell to zsh if it isn't currently set to zsh
if [[ ! $(echo $SHELL) == $(which zsh) ]]; then
chsh -s $(which zsh)
# If zsh isn't installed, get the platform of the current machine
# If the platform is Linux, try an apt-get to install zsh and then recurse
if [[ $platform == 'Linux' ]]; then
sudo apt-get install zsh
# If the platform is OS X, tell the user to install zsh :)
elif [[ $platform == 'Darwin' ]]; then
echo "Please install zsh, then re-run this script!"
但是,它已将 bash 终端上的 $ 符号更改为 % 并将其他一些内容更改为。
我想知道如何撤消此脚本并将我的 bash 恢复为 $ 符号,我看不到如何恢复所有内容。