We were using rsvg-convert for SVG to PDF conversion and it was working like a charm, till we encountered text.
Here's an example-
Command: rsvg-convert -w 842 -f pdf -o testing.pdf testing.svg
Here's the SVG: http://pdf-balancer-693758372.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com/development/assets/img/uploads/testing.svg
Here's the PDF: http://pdf-balancer-693758372.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com/development/assets/img/uploads/testing.pdf
Problems noticeable in the converted PDF:
Underline is lost
Some text positioning is incorrect (compare the corresponding character in the bold text right below the last character of the non-bold text in both SVG and PDF)
It's is fine in the example in this email but for some fonts, bold markup is lost