Dear, I torn my hair since last 7-8 days to know the working of receiving mail server. The word "Receiving Mail Server" might sound confusing to you in the first instance. So let me first make you clear on that.

Complete Mail service works as follows:

  1. We send email using a MTA (mail transfer agent) like "sendmail" on Linux or "Outlook" on windows.

  2. Both these MTA deliver email to the SMTP server, which further delivers the email to the destination.

  3. Let say we are sending email to "munendra@mydomain.com", SMTP must connect to the domain "mydomain.com" on some TCP socket, and there must be some service listening on the server "mydomain.com" to receive the emails. I want to know what this service is?? On what port does it runs?? This stage is what I mean to say the "Receiving Mail Server".

POP/IMAP comes secondary after the email delivers on the server, their primary function is to fetch the email from server to the local computer.

Thanks a lot in advance!!


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该服务(侦听 mydomain.com 上的电子邮件接收)将是本地 SMTP 服务,它侦听 TCP 端口 25。

您通过 SMTP 协议将电子邮件发送到 SMTP 服务器,该服务器从您的 SMTP 客户端接收您的电子邮件。SMTP 服务将为适当的邮箱传递/存储它,准备好被邮件客户端通过不同的协议、POP3、IMAP 接收。

于 2010-02-05T12:12:17.043 回答