我正在努力转换 asp.net 中的 vine api 代码,我从这里找到的,有人知道吗?
如果有人知道如何将此 curl 转换为 asp.net,我将不胜感激
class Vine {
private static $base_url = "https://api.vineapp.com";
private static $referer = "api.vineapp.com";
private static $vine_session = null;
private static $vine_id = null;
public static function login($username, $password) {
$success = false;
$url = self::$base_url . "/users/authenticate";
$curl = new Curl;
$response = json_decode($curl->post($url, array('username'=>$username, 'password'=>$password)));
if(isset($response->success) and $response->success) {
self::$vine_session = $response->data->key;
self::$vine_id = $response->data->key;
$success = true;
return $success;
public static function get_tag($tag) {
$encoded_tag = urlencode($tag);
$url = self::$base_url . "/timelines/tags/$encoded_tag";
$payload = null;
$curl = new Curl;
if(self::$vine_session) {
$curl->headers['vine-session-id'] = self::$vine_session;
$response = json_decode($curl->get($url));
if(isset($response->success) and $response->success) {
$payload = $response->data->records;
return $payload;