经过深入调查,我制作了自己的版本来处理所有表并检索表在层次结构中的最大级别(它读取所有模式,还考虑到没有父子关系的表,与 root 一起处于级别 1那些)。如果您有访问权限,请使用 dba_ 表而不是 all_ 表。
WITH hier AS (
SELECT child_table owner_table_name
, LEVEL lvl
, LPAD (' ', 4 * (LEVEL - 1)) || child_table indented_child_table
, sys_connect_by_path( child_table, '|' ) tree
/* Retrieve all tables. Set them as the Child column, and set their */
/* Parent Column to NULL. This is the root list (first iteration) */
SELECT NULL parent_table
, a.owner || '.' || a.table_name child_table
FROM all_tables a
/* List of all possible Parent-Child relations. This table is used as */
/* a link list, to link the current iteration with the next one, from */
/* root to last child (last child is what we are interested to find). */
SELECT p.owner || '.' || p.table_name parent_table
, c.owner || '.' || c.table_name child_table
FROM all_constraints p, all_constraints c
WHERE p.owner || '.' || p.constraint_name = c.r_owner || '.' || c.r_constraint_name
AND (p.constraint_type = 'P' OR p.constraint_type = 'U')
AND c.constraint_type = 'R'
START WITH parent_table IS NULL
/* NOCYCLE prevents infinite loops (i.e. self referencing table constr) */
CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR child_table = parent_table
FROM hier
WHERE (owner_table_name, lvl) IN ( SELECT owner_table_name
, MAX(lvl)
FROM hier
GROUP BY owner_table_name
b --> c --> d
b <-- c
它将 lvl 2 分配给 c 作为: 将 lvl 2 分配b --> c
给 b 作为:c --> b
对于 d,它会检测到b --> c --> d
,所以它会分配 lvl 3
如您所见,问题出在循环内部,来自外部的值将始终具有其最大正确 lvl