我希望能够在 SQL Server 2008 T-SQL 中检查发布和订阅的状态。我希望能够确定它是否可以,最后一次成功是什么时候,同步等等。这可能吗?
96898 次
3 回答
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '1' THEN 'Start - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '2' THEN 'Succeed - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '3' THEN 'InProgress - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '4' THEN 'Idle - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '5' THEN 'Retry - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '6' THEN 'Fail - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
ELSE CAST(mdh.runstatus AS VARCHAR)
END) [Run Status],
mda.subscriber_db [Subscriber DB],
mda.publication [PUB Name],
right(left(mda.name,LEN(mda.name)-(len(mda.id)+1)), LEN(left(mda.name,LEN(mda.name)-(len(mda.id)+1)))-(10+len(mda.publisher_db)+(case when mda.publisher_db='ALL' then 1 else LEN(mda.publication)+2 end))) [SUBSCRIBER],
CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),mdh.[time]) [LastSynchronized],
und.UndelivCmdsInDistDB [UndistCom],
mdh.comments [Comments],
'select * from distribution.dbo.msrepl_errors (nolock) where id = ' + CAST(mdh.error_id AS VARCHAR(8)) [Query More Info],
mdh.xact_seqno [SEQ_NO],
WHEN mda.subscription_type = '0' THEN 'Push'
WHEN mda.subscription_type = '1' THEN 'Pull'
WHEN mda.subscription_type = '2' THEN 'Anonymous'
ELSE CAST(mda.subscription_type AS VARCHAR)
END) [SUB Type],
mda.publisher_db+' - '+CAST(mda.publisher_database_id as varchar) [Publisher DB],
mda.name [Pub - DB - Publication - SUB - AgentID]
FROM distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_agents mda
LEFT JOIN distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history mdh ON mdh.agent_id = mda.id
(SELECT s.agent_id, MaxAgentValue.[time], SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > MaxAgentValue.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UndelivCmdsInDistDB
FROM distribution.dbo.MSrepl_commands t (NOLOCK)
JOIN distribution.dbo.MSsubscriptions AS s (NOLOCK) ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id )
(SELECT hist.agent_id, MAX(hist.[time]) AS [time], h.maxseq
FROM distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history hist (NOLOCK)
JOIN (SELECT agent_id,ISNULL(MAX(xact_seqno),0x0) AS maxseq
FROM distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY agent_id) AS h
ON (hist.agent_id=h.agent_id AND h.maxseq=hist.xact_seqno)
GROUP BY hist.agent_id, h.maxseq
) AS MaxAgentValue
ON MaxAgentValue.agent_id = s.agent_id
GROUP BY s.agent_id, MaxAgentValue.[time]
) und
ON mda.id = und.agent_id AND und.[time] = mdh.[time]
where mda.subscriber_db<>'virtual' -- created when your publication has the immediate_sync property set to true. This property dictates whether snapshot is available all the time for new subscriptions to be initialized. This affects the cleanup behavior of transactional replication. If this property is set to true, the transactions will be retained for max retention period instead of it getting cleaned up as soon as all the subscriptions got the change.
--and mdh.runstatus='6' --Fail
--and mdh.runstatus<>'2' --Succeed
order by mdh.[time]
于 2010-10-27T18:29:01.303 回答
旧帖子但为其他人添加 - 以下存储过程将为您提供所需的内容:
- sp_replmonitorhelppublication ( https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186304.aspx )
于 2015-02-11T10:49:29.793 回答
如果有帮助,我将给出的两个答案的一部分结合起来,并采用 sp_replmonitorhelppublication 和 sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription 并将它们放入临时表中,以便我可以对它们进行排序并根据需要排除列。
请注意,订阅者脚本从 sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription 中排除了一些合并列,因为我不是在寻找合并复制数据。
IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..#tmp_replicationPub_monitordata') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmp_replicationPub_monitordata;
CREATE TABLE #tmp_replicationPub_monitordata (
publisher_db sysname
, publication sysname
, publication_id INT
, publication_type INT
, status INT -- publication status defined as max(status) among all agents
, warning INT -- publication warning defined as max(isnull(warning,0)) among all agents
, worst_latency INT
, best_latency INT
, average_latency INT
, last_distsync DATETIME -- last sync time
, retention INT -- retention period
, latencythreshold INT
, expirationthreshold INT
, agentnotrunningthreshold INT
, subscriptioncount INT -- # of subscription
, runningdistagentcount INT -- # of running agents
, snapshot_agentname sysname NULL
, logreader_agentname sysname NULL
, qreader_agentname sysname NULL
, worst_runspeedPerf INT
, best_runspeedPerf INT
, average_runspeedPerf INT
, retention_period_unit TINYINT
, publisher sysname NULL
INSERT INTO #tmp_replicationPub_monitordata
EXEC sp_replmonitorhelppublication;
SELECT (CASE WHEN status = '1' THEN 'Start - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '2' THEN 'Succeed - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '3' THEN 'InProgress - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '4' THEN 'Idle - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '5' THEN 'Retry - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '6' THEN 'Fail - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)ELSE CAST(status AS VARCHAR)END) [Run Status]
, publisher_db
, publication
, publication_id
, (CASE WHEN publication_type = '0' THEN 'Transactional - ' + CAST(publication_type AS VARCHAR)
WHEN publication_type = '1' THEN 'Snapshot - ' + CAST(publication_type AS VARCHAR)
WHEN publication_type = '2' THEN 'Merge - ' + CAST(publication_type AS VARCHAR)ELSE '' END) AS [Publication Type]
, (CASE WHEN warning = '1' THEN 'Expiration' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '2' THEN 'Latency' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '4' THEN 'Mergeexpiration' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '16' THEN 'Mergeslowrunduration' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '32' THEN 'Mergefastrunspeed' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '64' THEN 'Mergeslowrunspeed' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)END) warning
, worst_latency
, best_latency
, average_latency
, last_distsync
, retention
, latencythreshold
, expirationthreshold
, agentnotrunningthreshold
, subscriptioncount
, runningdistagentcount
, snapshot_agentname
, logreader_agentname
, qreader_agentname
, worst_runspeedPerf
, best_runspeedPerf
, average_runspeedPerf
, retention_period_unit
, publisher
FROM #tmp_replicationPub_monitordata
ORDER BY publication;
IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..#tmp_rep_monitordata ') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tmp_rep_monitordata;
CREATE TABLE #tmp_rep_monitordata (
status INT NULL
, warning INT NULL
, subscriber sysname NULL
, subscriber_db sysname NULL
, publisher_db sysname NULL
, publication sysname NULL
, publication_type INT NULL
, subtype INT NULL
, latency INT NULL
, latencythreshold INT NULL
, agentnotrunning INT NULL
, agentnotrunningthreshold INT NULL
, timetoexpiration INT NULL
, expirationthreshold INT NULL
, last_distsync DATETIME NULL
, distribution_agentname sysname NULL
, mergeagentname sysname NULL
, mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname NULL
, mergeagentlocation sysname NULL
, mergeconnectiontype INT NULL
, mergePerformance INT NULL
, mergerunspeed FLOAT NULL
, mergerunduration INT NULL
, monitorranking INT NULL
, distributionagentjobid BINARY(16) NULL
, mergeagentjobid BINARY(16) NULL
, distributionagentid INT NULL
, distributionagentprofileid INT NULL
, mergeagentid INT NULL
, mergeagentprofileid INT NULL
, logreaderagentname sysname NULL
, publisher sysname NULL
INSERT INTO #tmp_rep_monitordata
EXEC sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription @publication_type = 0;
INSERT INTO #tmp_rep_monitordata
EXEC sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription @publication_type = 1;
SELECT (CASE WHEN status = '1' THEN 'Start - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '2' THEN 'Succeed - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '3' THEN 'InProgress - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '4' THEN 'Idle - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '5' THEN 'Retry - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)
WHEN status = '6' THEN 'Fail - ' + CAST(status AS VARCHAR)ELSE CAST(status AS VARCHAR)END) [Run Status]
, publisher_db
, publication
, (CASE WHEN warning = '1' THEN 'Expiration' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '2' THEN 'Latency' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '4' THEN 'Mergeexpiration' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '16' THEN 'Mergeslowrunduration' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '32' THEN 'Mergefastrunspeed' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)
WHEN warning = '64' THEN 'Mergeslowrunspeed' + CAST(warning AS VARCHAR)END) warning
, subscriber
, subscriber_db
, (CASE WHEN publication_type = '0' THEN 'Transactional - ' + CAST(publication_type AS VARCHAR)
WHEN publication_type = '1' THEN 'Snapshot - ' + CAST(publication_type AS VARCHAR)
WHEN publication_type = '2' THEN 'Merge - ' + CAST(publication_type AS VARCHAR)ELSE '' END) AS [Publication Type]
, (CASE WHEN subtype = '0' THEN 'Push - ' + CAST(subtype AS VARCHAR)
WHEN subtype = '1' THEN 'Pull - ' + CAST(subtype AS VARCHAR)
WHEN subtype = '2' THEN 'Anonymous - ' + CAST(subtype AS VARCHAR)ELSE '' END) AS SubscriptionType
, latency
, latencythreshold
, agentnotrunning
, agentnotrunningthreshold
, last_distsync
, timetoexpiration
, expirationthreshold
, distribution_agentname
, monitorranking
, distributionagentjobid
, mergeagentjobid
, distributionagentid
, distributionagentprofileid
, mergeagentid
, mergeagentprofileid
, logreaderagentname
, publisher
FROM #tmp_rep_monitordata
ORDER BY publication ASC;
于 2022-01-05T13:45:27.237 回答