响应标头中提取 ,并将其作为 URL 属性附加到后续请求的http://example.com/path/page.jsf;jsessionid=XXX
这是一个借助“plain vanilla”的启动示例java.net.URLConnection
// Prepare stuff.
String loginurl = "http://example.com/login";
String username = "itsme";
String password = "youneverguess";
URLConnection connection = null;
InputStream response = null;
// First get jsessionid (do as if you're just opening the login page).
connection = new URL(loginurl).openConnection();
response = connection.getInputStream(); // This will actually send the request.
String cookie = connection.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie");
String jsessionid = cookie.split(";")[0].split("=")[1]; // This assumes JSESSIONID is first field (normal case), you may need to change/finetune it.
String jsessionidurl = ";jsessionid=" + jsessionid;
response.close(); // We're only interested in response header. Ignore the response body.
// Now do login.
String authurl = loginurl + "/j_security_check" + jsessionidurl;
connection = new URL(authurl).openConnection();
connection.setDoOutput(true); // Triggers POST method.
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream()));
writer.write("j_username=" + URLEncoder.encode(username, "UTF-8")
+ "&j_password=" + URLEncoder.encode(password, "UTF-8"));
response = connection.getInputStream(); // This will actually send the request.
// Now you can do any requests in the restricted area using jsessionid. E.g.
String downloadurl = "http://example.com/download/file.ext" + jsessionidurl;
InputStream download = new URL(downloadurl).openStream();
// ...
要使用更少臃肿的代码实现相同的目标,请考虑使用Apache Commons HttpComponents Client。