linux2 Linux Mint 14 上的 Python 2.7.3(默认,2013 年 9 月 26 日,16:35:25)[GCC 4.7.2]

使用 Python,我正在读取一个 wav 并将数据放入一个文本文件。整个脚本如下。这是我的第一个 Python 脚本。

micsec 的值可以是从 000000 到 999999 之间的任何值。我经常使用前导零lstrip('0')

如果值为 000000,我最终得到 null。我正在使用一个额外的步骤将 null 更改为 0。




import contextlib, datetime, math, os, time, wave, glob
from scipy.io.wavfile import read
from numpy import log10, sqrt, mean
import numpy as np

path = "/the/path/*.wav"
for fname in glob.glob(path):

print "process_wav is processing - " + fname

outfname = fname + ".txt"
mtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(fname))

with contextlib.closing(wave.open(fname,'r')) as f:
channels = f.getnchannels()
sampwidth = f.getsampwidth()
comptype = f.getcomptype()
frames = f.getnframes()
rate = f.getframerate()
wav_duration = frames / float(rate)
frame_duration = round((wav_duration / frames),6)

samprate, wavdata = read(fname)
chunks = np.array_split(wavdata, frames)

hdr = (
"# audio file processed - " + fname +
"\n# this file name - " + outfname +    
"\n# audio file mod time-" + str(mtime) +
"\n# channels - " + str(channels) +
"\n# sampwidth - " + str(sampwidth) +
"\n# comptype - " + str(comptype) +
"\n# frames - " + str(frames) +
"\n# rate - " + str(rate) +
"\n# wav_duration - " + str(wav_duration) +
"\n# frame_dutation - " + "{0:0.6f}".format(frame_duration) +
"\n# chunk|wave_file_name|audio_file_timestamp|chunk_second|chunk_microsecond|chunk_time_in_audio|frame_duration|dB\r\n"

out = open(outfname,'w')

for i,chunk in enumerate(chunks):
sec = int("{0:0.6f}".format(round(float(tm),6)).split('.')[0])
micsec = "{0:0.6f}".format(round(float(tm),6)).split('.')[1].lstrip('0')
#handle 000000 - there has to be a better way
micsec = int(float(micsec)) if len(micsec)>=1 else 0
cm = mtime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=sec,microseconds=micsec)
out.write("{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format(i, fname, mtime, sec, micsec, cm, frame_duration, 20*log10( sqrt(mean(chunk**2)))))
tm += frame_duration
except ValueError as ex:
print("value error" + str(ex))
out.write(str(i) + str(ex))
except Exception,e:
print("ERROR" + str(e))
out.write(str(i) + str(e))


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