I Am currently working on a project where I want to have the SpeechSynthesizer speak a text. I also want a textblock to display the words as they are spoken. This is so you can read along if you don't understand the Speech Synthesizer.
So basically the problem is that i cant find a efficient way to append every letter to a text within a textbox right when its spoken by the Speech Synthesizer. So it looks like the Speech Synthesizer is typing along with what he is saying.
If I would do this:
SpeechSynthesizer x = new SpeechSynthesizer();
x.SpeakAsync("Hello there");
I want the textbox text to write along as the words are spoken by the x (SpeechSynthesizer ). Something like this: http://youtu.be/hx6JL7PsLrg?t=1m56s